Lush Oatifix Review

Tuesday 5 September 2017

Throughout the winter, my skin gets incredibly dry and tight feeling. While I do my best to ensure my skin stays hydrated by moisturising twice per day and drinking copious amounts of water, the cold air of Scotland combined with the dryness of central heating means my skin always suffers during the winter months. I have tried a plethora of moisturisers in hopes I'll find the miracle one, but alas, that search has been futile. In frustration, I decided to try the Lush Oatifix fresh face mask in hopes that it would at least reduce some of the tight feeling in my skin. 

Lush Oatifix fresh face mask

Lush Oatifix is one of the fresh face masks that you can get for free if you bring back five clean full-size Lush pots to store. Oatifix is made from bananas, illipe butter, oatmeal, ground almonds and a whole bunch of scientific sounding things to help moisturize dry skin. It smells like a hearty breakfast cereal and is just as thick and lumpy. Due to its thickness and lumpiness, it doesn't apply as easily to the skin as a regular face mask would. It does stick to the skin if you apply it in a thick layer, but the application process requires some patience. 

Once you’ve successfully battled with the application of Oatifix, all you have to do is wait around for 5 - 10 minutes before washing the oat lumps off. Washing Oatifix off is just as difficult as applying it so I really wish I had applied this face mask before I was due to go for a shower. I imagine having a constant source of water hitting you in the face makes Oatifix a lot easier to remove than trying to rinse it while leaning over the bathroom sink. 

Lush Oatifix fresh face mask

Due to how thick and greasy feeling Oatifix is, I was adamant it was going to leave my skin looking absurdly oily. This, however, was not the case. Instead, Oatifix had managed to get my skin back to a reasonable level of hydration after just one use. Admittedly, the results were short lived and I did have to use Oatifix every few days to get the feeling of hydration to return. If you have the occasional issue with dry skin, however, I imagine Oatifix would give you much longer lasting results. I am just unfortunate in the fact my skin does not deal well with the bitter Scottish winter wind. 

While I do really like Oatifix, I wish it didn't expire so quickly. The face masks in Lush are amazing but only getting around 3 weeks of use from them before they go out of date isn’t fun. More often or not, I never finish the small tubs and I’ve seen one too many moldy Lush products to risk using them beyond their expiration date. Despite the limited timeframe to use Oatifix in, I’d still happily pick this face mask up every time I’ve got tubs to return and skin to fix.

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