Soap & Glory Speed Plump All Day Super Moisture Marvel Moisturiser Review

Tuesday 28 March 2017

A Scottish winter is always destined to make my skin dry up like a raisin in the sun. It doesn’t matter how much water I drink or how much moisturiser I apply, I always seem to have dry skin around my nose and on my forehead. Due to this, I try so many different moisturisers in a bid to find the perfect winter beauty product. The never-ending search led me to Soap & Glory’s Speed Plump All Day Super Moisture Marvel Moisturiser (try saying that while drunk).

Soap and Glory Speed Plump All Day Super Moisture Marvel Moisturiser

The Soap & Glory Speed Plump moisturiser (let’s not do the full name) is aimed at anyone with dry/dehydrated skin and while I tend to favour thicker, heavier moisturisers for winter, this moisturiser is light and easy to blend. It’s also non-greasy which makes it the perfect base for makeup so there’s an added bonus. Unfortunately, there is no SPF in the Soap & Glory Speed Plump moisturiser but if you live in the hills of Scotland like I do, you won’t even know what the sun looks like.

Soap & Glory promise that the Speed Plump All Day Super Moisture Marvel moisturiser will brighten and tighten your skin while also disguising any fine lines you may have and providing moisture for 24 hours. I don’t have any fine lines – that I’m aware of – so I can’t comment on that side of things but I really don’t feel like it brightens or tightens my skin. It certainly makes my skin feel that little bit smoother but I don’t see any difference in its overall look.

Soap and Glory Speed Plump All Day Super Moisture Marvel Moisturiser

On the plus side, the watermelon fruit complex the Speed Plump moisturiser contains make it smell delicious without being overbearing. The scent is really fresh and light and almost reminds of summer!

I’d love to say that my search for the perfect winter moisturiser ends with the *deep breath* Soap & Glory’s Speed Plump All Day Super Moisture Marvel Moisturiser but unfortunately, I’m not really all that into it. I think it’s genuinely good as a generic moisturiser but I don’t feel like it delivers on its other promises. I might actually make the Speed Plump moisturiser part of my summer skincare as opposed to winter as I feel like it’s not heavy duty enough for my winter skin.

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