What I Got for Christmas and My Birthday

Wednesday 11 January 2017

I’ve been going back on and forth on whether I actually wanted to write this post as I was afraid of coming across as rather crass, but I’m a nosy human and these are my favourite type of posts to read. It only seems fair that after overindulging in everyone else’s versions that I write my own; just ignore how late this post is.

As my birthday is 11 days after Christmas, I spend a good 2 weeks of my life incredibly spoilt and extremely full of chocolate. There weren’t many things on my Christmas list this year – it was literally made up of a Fitbit, a Lindt ball and some Lush products – so mad props to my parents, my fiancé and my future in-laws for managing to think of presents. I’m beyond grateful for what they gave me and hopefully, they all liked what I gave them. Ok, slushiness over, let’s start looking at presents!

Green Day tickets
Just casually putting my underwear on the internet.

My main present from my parents this year was 2 tickets to see Green Day at Glasgow’s Bellahouston Park as well as 2 nights in a rather fabulous Glasgow hotel. I’ve loved Green Day since I was 4 so I couldn’t say yes quick enough when my parents asked me if I wanted to see them. They were actually originally considering a spa day for my fiancé and I but I was thinking of getting that for my fiancé and he was thinking about getting it for me. In the end, it was my future in-laws who gave him the spa day. What is with us and spas?

The people who made me also gave me Lush Ocean Salt and D’Fluff, pyjamas with adorable Rudolphs on the bottoms, underwear (Hunter has been eating my underwear so I was desperately needing some replacements), a few other items of clothing, a huge vegetarian cookbook (this was actually for my fiancé and I but he never cooks) and the Lindt ball I wanted.

Vegetarian products

Teddy somehow gave me a present too – for a dog he has excellent wrapping skills – which was in the form of a 2017 Guide Dog diary that has now been turned into a blogging diary. I think I should probably tell Teddy he isn’t actually training to be a Guide Dog anymore.

Lush Christmas gift set

My future in-laws know how much I love Lush so they were kind enough to give me a Lush gift set. The gift set contained a large bottle of Snow Fairy shower gel, 2 bath bombs, a tub of Celestial, a tub of Helping Hands, a bottle of Fairy Dust and Lush Fairy Wand. They’d also put a heart ornament with a dog on it and a mug with dogs on it into the gift set too.

Fitbit Charge 2 Marc Jacobs Decadence Gold

The delightful human being that is my fiancé struggled for gift ideas for me this year and constantly moaned at me for having a birthday so close to Christmas (blame my parents). In the end, he got me a Fitbit Charge 2 from the rose gold series as well as a bottle of Marc Jacobs Decadence. He actually gave me Decadence last year but because Marc Jacobs has released a gold bottle, he got confused and thought it was a new fragrance. I’m not complaining though as I adore Decadence!

House of Bruar Black Bag

So that’s Christmas covered, let’s get into my birthday. My parents usually let me choose my birthday present but because they’ve been away for the last month in Australia and New Zealand, they bought my present in advance. I’m starting to worry my parents are mind readers as I have been recently thinking that I wanted a new black bag. They must be either creeping on me or it’s a total coincidence as they gave me a black bag big enough to carry all of the crap I insist on lugging around with me (do I really need that used ticket to see Suicide Squad in my bag?).

High end make up

My future in-laws were very sweet and gave me a gorgeous silver photo frame that will eventually hold a picture of Teddy once I find one where he’s not drooling. Finally, I’ll be able to add some feminine touches to the residence I share with my fiancé!

Speaking of the fiancé, due to the aforementioned struggling to come up with ideas, he made my present purchase on New Year’s Day. Due to his tardiness, he guilt bought me MAC Blot Powder, Urban Decay Eyeshadow Primer Potion and a Kat Von D lipstick in Mercy. They’re not technically birthday presents but I’m going to include them regardless.

Kenmore Hotel Gift Voucher

The actual present was a voucher for a 2-night stay at the Kenmore Hotel in one of their exclusive rooms as well as dinner, breakfast and a bottle of champagne in the room. The Kenmore Hotel is one of our wedding venue options and it’s also the place my dad had his 50th birthday at so I’m excited to go. I actually took David there in the spring last year and I think he loved it as much as my dad and I do.

I believe this is the part of the post where I say how grateful I am for my gifts and how blessed I am and blah blah blah. There’s too much protocol for a post like this so I’ll just say cheers to my wonderful family (and my future family) for the presents and you can all breathe a sigh of relief that Christmas and my birthday are both over.

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