We're Engaged!

Wednesday 7 December 2016

He told me a few months prior that he wasn’t going to do it and I believed him; I even told people when they asked that it wasn’t going to happen. I guess you can imagine my surprise and utter confusion when I turned around and there he was down on one knee with a ring box in his hand.

Ernest Jones Engagement Ring

David and I have been together for 2 and a half years. We met at work in 2014 despite the fact we actually went to school together and had been friends on Facebook for years. He knew of me, I didn’t know of him. I thought he was adorable, he liked my butt so after he sat on my head while we watched 8 Mile (in a completely non-sexual way might I add, we’re just really strange people) we suddenly ended up together.

While I’ve had a few long-term relationships, I’ve always struggled with them because of how bored I get of hanging around with the same person on a regular basis. Spending more than a day with someone has a tendency to irritate me and I don’t mean it in a spiteful way; it’s just I like the balance of being around people and also being alone.

With David, I don’t have that struggle and I think it’s that reason that made me realise he was “the one”. There was no romantic or dramatic moment, it was literally just me noticing one day that I wasn’t fed up with him. Dear god, I sound like a douchebag.

Ernest Jones Engagement Ring White Gold

It was that knowledge that made me comfortable enough to book a holiday 10 months in advance. David wanted to see the Northern Lights and I thought there would be no better place to see them than in Iceland. Let’s just ignore the fact they were visible over Scotland 2 months after I booked this holiday.

I had been working some odd hours prior to us leaving for Iceland so I barely got to see David before we went. It turns out he was using the time away from me to ask my parents – more so my dad – for my hand in marriage and also to hunt down an engagement ring. My mum had hidden the ring for him and handed it over to him the day we left for Iceland. He put it in his hand luggage with the intention of proposing to me in front of the Northern Lights.

His plan didn’t quite work out however as our Northern Lights tour was cancelled 2 nights in a row. As far as I’m aware, David didn’t have a backup plan but things came together perfectly for him. We were driving around the Golden Circle on Friday, our last full day in Iceland, when he saw a sign for what he thought was a waterfall*. He turned off the road we were supposed to be on and started driving with no real clue of where we were going. As we drove down this incredibly quiet road, we saw this beautiful patch of water that was so still, it was reflecting the sky clearly.

Iceland Proposal Spots

We pulled over to marvel at the view and just as I finished taking some photos I heard David say “I guess now is a good time to do this”. I turned around to find him down on one knee and making the most amazing David sounding speech imaginable. I genuinely couldn’t believe it was happening so I asked him a good 20 times if he was serious before I finally said yes. I was still looking around for Ashton Kutcher convinced I was being Punk’d for the rest of the day.

To top the most incredible day off, our Northern Lights tour went ahead that night and we finally got to see the lights. We were so lucky as our tour bus was actually about to leave just as the lights appeared. We’d been standing in the dark and cold for 2 hours and saw nothing but, thanks to our tour guide losing his bag and delaying our departure, we got to see the lights. I’m so happy David chose to propose where and when he did as I don’t think the Northern Lights would have been as romantic as it sounds. We were with about 20 other people and it was pitch black, if he had tried to propose then I wouldn’t have actually seen it.

It's been a month since we got engaged and I'm still in shock it actually happened. We have no real intention of getting married for a few years as we want to be a little more financially secure beforehand but I’ve already had meltdowns over various insignificant details. I have absolutely no idea how to plan a wedding and I think this is where the differences between how David does things and how I do things is going to show. I plan everything to a T whereas he’s a bit more spontaneous. I shall be a bridezilla and he’ll just have to deal with it. After all, he’s the one that put the ring on it!

*The waterfall he thought the sign was for was actually 100KM away. Thank goodness for sat navs.

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