Iceland: A Photo Diary

Tuesday 8 November 2016

For Christmas last year, I decided to be a very good girlfriend and book my other half a trip to Iceland (with me in tow of course). He has always wanted to see the Northern Lights and I thought there was no better place to see them than Iceland. We had to wait 11 months from booking the holiday to actually going but it was definitely worth the wait. These photos don’t do Iceland justice but I hope you enjoy them as much I did taking them. Let’s do this thing!

Our first full day in Iceland started off incorrectly due to us losing our hotel room keys but we still made it to the Hallgrimskirkja before the tourists descended on it. Annoyingly, I didn’t get a decent picture of the church itself but the view over Reykjavik is just as pretty.

We ended up in the Reykjavik Art Museum and there just so happened to be a Yoko Ono exhibition on. One of the exhibits involved writing wishes and tying them to branch on a tree. These 2 wishes were fairly close to each other and while one made me smile, the other made me extremely sad.

The Sun Voyager was no more than 2 minutes away from our hotel but we almost forgot to have a nosy at it. If we hadn’t walked down the wrong street, we probably would have never seen it up close. It’s a rather incredible sculpture and it’s not too far from the Harpa concert hall and conference centre.

This is an inaccurate picture of the Blue Lagoon taken in the very late hours of the afternoon. I say this is an inaccurate photo because it was taken on our way out of the Blue Lagoon and it’s a place you’re not supposed to enter. The Blue Lagoon itself is packed full of people but it’s large enough to accommodate everyone while still allowing breathing space. We booked ourselves into the exclusive lounge and also had the 2 hours of wonder (which includes an in-water massage) each. If you’re willing to spend the obscene amount of money for the luxury package, I’d definitely advise you to do it; it’s worth every penny.

The only downside to our trip to the Blue Lagoon was our visit to the Lava restaurant. The food was not to our taste and it took so long for our main courses to arrive that we had to abandon our meals and head straight to the area where we were due to receive our treatments.

I can’t for the life of me remember or even find the name of this waterfall but I do know it’s at the Pingvellir National Park- this is where you can go diving between the 2 tectonic plates. There were a lot of tourists at the Pingvellir National Park when we first arrived so I became very overwhelmed, very quickly. We escaped to the waterfall and were pleased to find not many people had done the same. It was such a beautiful waterfall and the sky was still grey and miserable when we arrived so it was a very dark, gloomy and yet oh so cool scene.

This amazing landscape was found by sheer accident. We were driving on the Golden Circle when my other half saw a sign for something he thought he recognised. It turned out he was confusing the names of things and we ended up lost. Fortunately, getting lost in Iceland turned into a happy accident as we ended up finding this incredibly beautiful and incredibly quiet setting. This also happens to be where my other half got down on one knee and asked me to marry him!

After getting over the shock of being proposed to, we headed to the Geysir. It was going off every few minutes while we were there which I’m not sure is normal or not. We watched the Geysir going off a few times before beginning our journey back to the hotel.

Our journey back to Reykjavik wasn’t complete without revisiting our proposal site just as the sun went down. We hung around for a few minutes before suddenly realising our Northern Lights tour would finally go ahead that night so we had to rush back to our hotel for pickup.

Unfortunately, I didn’t manage to get a decent picture of the Northern Lights as they choose to make an appearance just as our tour bus was about to leave. If our tour guide hadn’t lost his bag, we wouldn’t have seen the lights at all. Who knew losing a bag (which he later found) would actually turn out to be so lucky.

Sadly, we were only in Iceland for a few days so the Northern Lights tour was our last time being tourists. We did get to experience what it’s like to turn up hideously late for a flight as we somehow managed to oversleep by an hour (this is why early morning flights should not exist) although that is something I could’ve gone my whole life without experiencing and would’ve been quite content.

If you’re thinking about going to Iceland, I really can’t recommend it enough. We barely got to see the majority of things we wanted to as there just wasn’t enough time but that just means we have a good excuse to go back one day!

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