XHC Coconut Water Shampoo and Conditioner Review

Thursday 7 July 2016

Have you ever accidentally bought three bottles of conditioner because you were adamant they were shampoo when you put them in your basket? You probably haven’t but for some strange reason I have. I bought three bottles of coconut scented conditioner and one bottle of shampoo from the same brand but in a totally different scent. Due to this major brain fart, I found myself in need of a new shampoo and that need led me to the XHC Coconut Water shampoo and conditioner. Like I actually needed another conditioner!

XHC Coconut Water shampoo and conditioner

I actually stumbled upon XHC while looking at the cookies on the bargain shelf in Tesco. I was drawn to the shampoo and conditioner because of the design of the bottles. They’re so sleek and glamorous that my brain was fooled into believing that they were from a high-end brand.

The XHC Coconut Water shampoo and conditioner promise to leave your hair looking sleek and shimmering by using high-quality ingredients and a special formula. Admittedly, I am not entirely clued up on which ingredients are beneficial for our hair and which are harmful, but I do not believe the ingredients in the XHC Coconut Water shampoo and conditioner cannot achieve the promises the bottles make. If anything, the ingredients are more likely to dry out our hair while stripping our scalp of natural oils. 

XHC Coconut Water Hydrating shampoo and conditioner

Due to how cheap the shampoo and conditioner are and their reliance on ingredients which are damaging to our hair, neither product does a particularly good job at fulfilling the promises on the bottles. The shampoo certainly does clean the hair, but the effects do not last very long and it does not remove any lingering smells (e.g., second-hand cigarette smoke). If you use this shampoo, you will more than likely have to wash your hair again the next day. The conditioner is also equally poor in its performance. While it does leave behind that slick, silicone feeling once rinsed out, it doesn't repair or rehydrate the hair and it certainly does not make it sleek and shimmering. 

Additionally, there is no real scent to either the shampoo or conditioner so, if you like your hair to have a strong, coconut smell, these products will not give you that. There certainly is a scent of coconut present, but it’s very faint and it definitely does not linger on your hair once you’ve finished rinsing. 

XHC Coconut Water shampoo and conditioner

When I first purchased the XHC Coconut Water shampoo and conditioner, they were £1 each and I felt that they were perfectly adequate options for this price. Now, they are a similar price to other drugstore brand shampoos and conditioners so I personally do not think these are now worth purchasing. 

Disclaimer: Affiliate links have been used in this post.

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