"Why Don't You Wear Makeup?"

Monday 11 July 2016

Why don't you wear makeup?

“Why don’t you wear make up?”

Ah the one question from my teenage years that would’ve made me a millionaire if I had a pound for every time someone asked me it. I don’t know why a girl not wearing make up is such a problem but apparently, it’s a very big deal.

I’m not going to lie, I didn’t really care about how I looked when I was younger. Obviously I showered every day but for the most part, my hair was tied up in the same low ponytail and the only thing that was applied to my face was moisturiser. I liked it that way; as far as I was concerned I was a little too young for make up. Who was I going to be impressing with a bright orange face, spidery eyelashes and too much blush at the age of 11?

Not everyone had the same idea as me though. Somewhere between the end of primary school and the beginning of high school my childhood friends had acquired a big batch of make up and were piling everything onto their faces. Their mismatched foundation and inability to blend properly did not appeal to me whatsoever. It became apparent that they thought, at the tender ages of 11 and 12, they were more “adult” than they actually were so we slowly drifted apart.

A few of the friends I made during high school also slathered on the make up like there was no tomorrow. Every day they would show up with layers upon layers of concealer, foundation and powder and it just looked so odd to me. It took everything I had to not tell them I didn’t want to look like a cake face like them when they asked me why I didn’t wear make up.

Of course I did eventually start wearing make up but it was mostly eyeliner and I was 14. I did own a foundation, powder, one eyeshadow and one lipstick but I didn’t really care too much about them. I was atrocious at applying my make up and I knew that (although it was usually light enough for no one to really notice) so for the most part, I didn’t bother. I did eventually get sucked into the full face of make up but only once I actually became legal to fornicate – although it was my butt that drew in the guys as opposed to my face.

Even now, 12 years later, I still wonder why people couldn’t understand my bare face. Maybe my lack of make up offended them or maybe it was just good old fashioned peer pressure but whatever the case, it still makes no sense to me. I wasn’t going to school to impress anyone because quite frankly, why would I want to? It’s not like anyone I did impress could take me on a date that went beyond the cinema and Pizza Hut anyway. Maybe now at 23 I can wander around with no make up on and no one will demand to know why my face is not covered in the gunk but as a teenager, it’s just not allowed.

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