Urban Decay Alice Through The Looking Glass Lipsticks Review

Sunday 17 July 2016

Thanks to the lovely lady that is Adrienne from The Sunday Girl and a giveaway she held in conjunction with Urban Decay, I am now the proud owner of the entire Alice Through the Looking Glass lipstick collection. I can’t even begin to tell you how many times I tried to purchase one of these lipsticks only to discover they were all sold out so to have them all makes me very happy. It doesn’t take much to make me happy, does it?

Urban Decay Alice Through the Looking Glass Lipstick Collection
From left to right: Time, Iracebeth, Mirana, Alice and Mad Hatter.

The reason I kept trying to buy at least one of these lipsticks so much was because they’re different from my usual pink and red shades that I usually gravitate towards. I do like a bold lip but I tend to stick with something like MAC Impassioned or Illamasqua Luster over the truly bold colours. The Urban Decay Alice Through the Looking Glass collection is made up of 3 more daring shades and 2 standard lipstick colours so naturally, I was drawn to them.

I’m not going to lie, I was a little intimidated with the bolder choices in this collection when I received them so I played it safe and used Iracebeth first. Iracebeth is a gorgeous matte – although I’d argue it leaves more of a satin finish – red lipstick with pink undertones and it wears like an absolute dream. It’s possibly my new favourite red lipstick as it’s such a classic, bright red.

Mad Hatter came after Iracebeth as I wanted to use it to build up the courage to wear Mirana. Mad Hatter is a beautiful bright purple shade and is made a tad more wearable by the pink undertones. It has some shimmer to it which would typically bother me but because Mad Hatter is a bolder choice anyway, I kind of like the shimmer. It probably looks a little odd on my skin tone but I love it regardless.

Urban Decay Alice Through the Looking Glass Lipstick Collection Swatches
From left to right: Alice, Mad Hatter, Time, Iracebeth and Mirana.

I think you’ve already figured Mirana was worn next. I was really worried about Mirana originally because I usually wear all black, have black hair and my skin is incredibly pale so I had it in my head that this was going to make me look very gothic (not that there’s anything wrong with that, it’s just not my scene anymore). I think, although I’m sure some will disagree, that I managed to get away with this deep berry shade without looking like I belonged at a Cradle of Filth concert too much.

Once I’d gotten over my Mirana fears, I plucked up the courage to wear Time. I’d argue that Time is the most daring shade of lipstick in this collection as it’s a gun metal blue with a silver shimmer. I don’t know about you, but I don’t see many people wandering down the street with blue lips so I expected some odd looks while wearing Time. I didn’t expect to like Time as much as I did but I actually felt really comfortable while wearing it. It probably makes me look like I belong in a bad 90s death metal band but hey ho, I’m happy to rock it to do the weekly food shop so there’s a plus.

Finally, it was time to try Alice and this is where my hype for these lipsticks ends. I hate nude lipsticks as it is but as soon as you throw sheer into it, I take myself out of the equation. I can understand why Alice is in this collection but it’s just not for me. I’d rather prance around in Mirana than I would Alice…that was a really weird sentence.

Urban Decay Alice Through the Looking Glass Lipstick Collection

Collectively, these lipsticks aren’t the best but they’re far away from being the worst. They apply a little patchily so I have to break out the lip brush to ensure I have an even colour but they all wear for around 6-8 hours (unless you eat a burger) and don’t dry out my lips. The only gripe I have with these lipsticks beyond Alice is the packaging. The actual design of the packaging is fabulous but the functionality of each lipstick case is awful. The lipsticks often get stuck when you’re trying to twist them up and down so I’m forever panicking that one day, the lipsticks will get stuck in the tube and never see the light of day again. Was that too dramatic?

That one gripe aside, I’ve barely given any of my other lipsticks a second thought since receiving this collection and I’m finding myself planning makeup looks around 4 out of 5 of these shades. I’m still trying to work out how I can wear Time to my cousin’s wedding without my uncle calling me a goth (he’s been calling me one since 2006) all night though. Suggestions are welcome!

P.S. Please forgive me for the shaky swatches. I typically do swatches on my left arm as I’m right handed but thanks to the tattoo that takes up most of that arm, it just wasn’t possible this time around. My left hand basically flailed about uselessly while I did these swatches.

P.P.S Are Cradle of Filth still cool, actually, were they ever cool?

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