Sheila's Natural Products Review

Monday 20 June 2016

It probably comes as no surprise to regular readers of this blog that I love a good natural product. While I occasionally gravitate towards the convenience of easily accessible products that are commonly found in supermarkets and high street chains, I much prefer to slather a natural product on my skin. I won’t pretend to know the ins and outs of various ingredients but I do know my skin usually feels a lot better when I’ve used a product that’s free from chemicals I can’t pronounce.

Sheila's Natural Products

The latest additions to my skincare routine are from a brand that is 100% vegan and is plant based. Sheila’s Natural Products offers lip balms, moisturisers for various skin types and hand cream. All of the products from this brand contain no parabens, are not tested on animals and are organic where possible. What’s not to like?

I reached the end of my regular moisturiser towards the end of last month so I acquired the Sheila’s Natural Products moisturiser for medium/dry skin and the moisturiser for normal skin at the right time. I’ve been switching between the 2 moisturisers depending on the weather but the one for medium/dry skin has definitely received the most love.

Sheila's Natural Products

The moisturiser aimed at medium/dry skin contains starflower, safflower and hempseed oils which are believed to ease the symptoms of eczema, psoriasis and acne. I’m currently in the middle of a minor eczema flare up (thank you dairy) hence why this moisturiser has received more attention than the one aimed at normal skin. Usually during an eczema flare up, I get dry skin on one side of my face but that hasn’t happened with this moisturiser. My skin feels smooth and hydrated and I’m not even using that much of the product. A little goes a long way with this cream. Win!

As for the moisturiser aimed towards people with “normal” skin, I’ve found it does just as good a job as the dry/medium one. I tend to use the moisturiser for normal skin before I apply my makeup as it soaks into the skin very quickly. It makes a very smooth, easy to work with base for my makeup and it contains almond oil which always helps my eczema flare ups. Another win!

The last product I’ve been using from the Sheila's Natural Products brand is the lavender lip balm. Despite drinking copious amounts of water throughout the day, my lips get very dry, very quickly so I’ve been using this lip balm every morning.

Sheila's Natural Products

Admittedly, lavender is not my favourite scent and the lavender is initially quite strong when applied. Fortunately, it disappears quite quickly and I’m left with hydrated lips for a long period of time. It’s a great lip balm to apply before putting on even my most drying of lipsticks and, if lavender is a scent that calms and relaxes you, it wouldn’t be the worst thing to apply before going to bed.

Overall, I’m really pleased with all 3 products and my body was clearly so happy to have them that it gave me an eczema flare up to really test the moisturisers. Fortunately, everything lived up to expectation and, although each product will last a good few months, I’d happily purchase from Sheila’s Natural Products once I’ve run out. You can’t go wrong with natural products that do exactly what they say on the tin.

Disclaimer: The products featured in this post were provided for review purposes.

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