Life Lately

Tuesday 7 June 2016

The shoe has no relevance to this post. I was just wearing some kickass shoes one day and felt like doodling them.

It’s been a while since I last did a personal post. The last time I did one I had just been diagnosed with kidney stones (again) and was resenting my internal organs. Annoyingly, it’s been almost 5 months since my diagnosis and referral to urology and I still have a disturbing amount of kidney stones in me. The results of my CT scan were so grim my GP practically fell off his chair when he saw them and then wished me luck. You know you’re screwed when your doctor says “good luck”.

Thanks to the obscene amount of kidney stones in me, I’ve overhauled my diet and lifestyle as much as I possibly could. There’s no more lounging around in bed on weekends or getting out of breath when running up the stairs. The takeaways have stopped and the family size bags of crisps are no longer being consumed. Fizzy drinks are becoming a rarity and my chocolate intake is almost non-existent. I’ve started to exercise on a regular basis and I’m consuming so much water I’m practically becoming a fish.

I genuinely thought these would be difficult things to implement into my life but everything has come rather easily to me. I actually like preparing meals from scratch with a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables and I love the fact I don’t feel sluggish and tired all the time now. The rewards are certainly coming in thick and fast and you know what? I don’t even miss the family size bag of crisps while watching crap television.

The thing that’s probably making me the happiest is the exercise. I’m not going to lie, I absolutely detest it while I’m doing it but afterwards, I feel incredible (just ignore the various pulled muscles I have at the moment). I’m running 5K now and although it’s not easy, I’m able to push through the times where I want to give up and just keep going. I do get disgustingly bright red and sweaty during it all and it’s probably not a pretty sight for anyone I run past but hey, at least I can run up the stairs without practically having to sit down when I reach the top.

Sadly, despite all of this, the kidney stones remain in place and so does the pain. The great thing about having kidney stones before (yes, surprisingly there is a benefit) is I now know what real pain feels like and can pretty much work through anything my kidneys or any other body part gives me. There are times when I just can’t be bothered dealing with the pain but I can usually avoid it by having a quick nap. There’s another added benefit of kidney stones, you can sleep because you’re in pain and no one is allowed to call you lazy!

While kidney stones are a major pain in the bladder (see what I did there, oh I am just so funny…) I’m kind of weirdly glad I have them again as it’s resulted in some significant changes I wouldn’t have made otherwise. I do wish my appointment for urology would hurry up and come through already – I was supposed to have one at least 8 weeks ago – and that people would stop taking my blood and asking me to pee in small bottles but I guess you can’t have everything. I’m just going to end this on a disgusting question, why do they make you do urine samples in those really tiny bottles anyway?

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