The Four Moisturisers

Sunday 17 April 2016

It’s been around 3 years since my last eczema flare up but I’m still incredibly paranoid about another one appearing. Due to that, I moisturise like crazy. Usually, I would use Lush Sympathy for the Skin but because I have so many other moisturisers, I’ve put myself on a Lush spending ban in a bid to use up other products. Thanks to my horrible spending ban, I’ve started to discover some other incredible products and have been going back to the same 4 for the past few months. Let’s ignore the fact one of these moisturisers happens to be from Lush!

Two of the moisturisers I use on a regular basis were both Christmas presents. Lush Christingle was given to me by my other half’s parents and I can’t believe I didn’t buy it for myself! I love any Lush product that is blue and minty so naturally, I’m obsessed with Christingle. It does a great job at moisturising my skin and the tingly feeling it leaves behind is actually rather pleasant. The only issue I have with it is I tend to apply a facial moisturiser directly after using Christingle which means my face ends up tingling like crazy. Tingling body yes, tingling face, no thank you!

Lush Christingle Soap and Glory Sugar Crush

The Soap & Glory Sugar Crush was part of a trio given to me in a blogger Secret Santa and it’s my favourite out of the 3. It’s not my favourite moisturiser but it does the job and it smells amazing. It reminds me of cloudy lemonade so every single time I use Sugar Crush, I just want to drink 2 litres worth of lemonade and bounce off the walls all day.

I think everyone who likes a bit of moisturiser has tried Palmers Cocoa Butter before. I have a habit of going through 5 bottles of the stuff then abandoning it for something else before going back to it. Palmers Cocoa Butter is great as a moisturiser but the main attraction for me is the smell. Who doesn’t want to stink of chocolate all day?

Palmers Cocoa Butter Bali Beauty Green Tea Lotion

Another moisturiser that was given to me in December last year is the Bali Beauty Green Tea Body Lotion. My brother had taken a month off of his job in Australia to go travelling around Bali (lucky for some) and picked up a couple of things for me on the way. It’s the runniest moisturiser out of the 4 in this post and usually, I hate that but for some reason, I really like this body lotion.

It does an incredible job at getting rid of the dry patches that constantly appear on my skin and it’s lasted quite a while. I’m going to be really annoyed when this one finally runs out as it’s not something I’ll be able to get easily. My brother will just have to go back to Bali, buy it and then fly back to Scotland to give it to me.

Is it wrong that now that I’ve written about Soap & Glory Sugar Crush I really want some lemonade? I didn’t even smell it while writing this! Maybe these aren’t my favourite moisturisers, maybe these are just the things that make me crave certain food and drink items. This post has just taken a very hungry turn…

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