Lush Christmas Gift

Sunday 3 January 2016

It probably comes as no surprise to regular readers of this blog that I am a huge fan of Lush. I have acquired far too many Lush products over the past year to the point where I can barely open a large drawer as it’s just crammed full of the smelly, natural goodness. Anyone who is looking to get me a present always knows exactly where to go so, naturally I received some Lush goodies for Christmas.

My other half’s parents present was one of the final ones I received and I was completely bewildered when I tore off the wrapping paper. The lovely scent the present was giving off didn’t make me think of Lush at all so I was left completely confused by the wonderfully scented scarf that appeared to be wrapped around a box. The ball finally dropped once I managed to untie the brightly coloured scarf. It’s safe to say I’m a bit slow on the uptake.

Lush Gorgeous

The first thing I found in my little box of packing chips and items was a small sample tin of Gorgeous. I used it the other day, popped it in my bag and it’s since gone walkabouts but I can tell you, it smells a little like old people. It did seem to do the moisturising job though so well done Lush, you may have just roped me into buying a full size tub.

There were some items in the box that I had almost bought prior to receiving this gift – fortunately the Lush website was down so I failed at buying anything. Another bottle of The Comforter shower cream was in my Lush shopping basket all ready to go when the website crashed. Fortunately for me, I acquired another bottle in this box and I couldn't be happier. If Lush refrained from rolling this out into stores beyond Oxford Street I would've been a very annoyed human!

Lush Fairy Dust Lush The Comforter

Fairy Dust dusting powder was another thing I was trying so desperately to buy online so I was rather pleased to see this lying next to The Comforter. I’ve never used a dusting powder from Lush before and I’m quite excited about creating a large mess with Fairy Dust.

If a product from Lush is blue, you can pretty much guarantee I’m going to like it. Christingle is of course, a limited edition Christmas product and it smells delicious. I seem to have a soft spot for blue, minty smelling items so I’m excited to use Christingle. Just look at the pretty colour!

Lush Christingle

It’s been a long time since I used a shampoo bar from Lush (I think the last one I used was Godiva and I absolutely hated it) so it was nice to see Honey, I Washed My Hair in the box. I really need to get a shampoo bar tin before using this though as I distinctly remember Godiva turned into a huge mess while lying out in the shower.

Lush Pearl Lush Honey I Washed the Kids

I also acquired a massage bar which I think is Pearl although I’m not 100% sure. I always forget about the massage bars from Lush and now have quite a few sitting in a drawer but I don’t think I'll ignore this one. The bright pink of the bar means I’ll always see it whenever I attempt to open that Lush drawer so it will definitely be used from time to time.

I think I owe my other half’s parents a big thank you gift for their generosity. They couldn’t have given me a better Lush box (or present for that matter) if they tried. I am going to be smelling real good next year!

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