Lush Haul

Wednesday 2 December 2015

While the rain drenched the whole country last weekend my other half and I had a solid plan in place that was not going to be ruined by a bit of water. The giant puddles that delayed traffic for an hour tried to stop us but when I want to go to Lush, you can bet your bottom dollar I am going to Lush. We may have had to fight some large crowds and drink a hot chocolate really fast but we managed to make it through the Edinburgh rain to the Lush store. You gotta try harder than that weather!

Lush haul

As usual the store was absolutely mobbed which meant we were stuck in the same section for a good 10 minutes. Fortunately the majority of things we needed just happened to be at the back of the store but the size of every Lush shop I’ve been in always annoys me. Expand your premises for the sake of my sanity!

While we were stuck at the back of the shop we were approached by a sales assistant (who I believe was called Gayle) who probably thought we were really confused by the concept of shaving cream. While speaking to her the issue my other half had with Ultrabland came up and after deciding that perhaps he’d accidentally received Ultrabalm, the sales assistant hit us with a random act of kindness and gave my other half a tub of Ultrabland for free. I had no idea Lush had started to introduce this in their stores so it was rather sweet and totally unexpected.

Lush Dirty, D'Fluff, Ultrabland

Once Ultrabland was placed in our basket we started to focus on the necessities. I was there solely for another tub of D’Fluff but I almost completely bypassed it in favour of something else. Fortunately I found my brain and D’Fluff was firmly placed in the basket. My other half also required shaving cream – despite his patchy attempt at facial hair – so Dirty was picked up as well.

While my other half pondered over which shaving cream to purchase I decided to try a sample of Celestial. I was in dire need of a new moisturiser so it only seemed fitting to buy a tub of Celestial. My decision to place the tub in our basket may have been fuelled by the fact my other half was paying but let’s ignore that detail!

It did take an awful long time for my other half to choose a shaving cream so I also had time to ponder over Pumice Power. My feet are getting rather icky thanks to all of the heels I insist on wearing so hopefully Pumice Power will help them out. I always ignore my feet when it comes to pampering sessions so Pumice Power should encourage me to pay attention to the poor little things.

Lush Pumice Power, Dirty Springwash, Celestial

Once we managed to break free from the one section at the back the rest of our shopping was a breeze. A large bottle of Dirty Springwash - the best shower gel ever – was picked up and Snow Fairy was considered. In the end, I chose to be good and refrained from buying more shower gel but knowing my Lush oriented mind, I’ll place an order online for a bottle or 7.

The last thing on our list was the regular bar of soap for my dad. The majority of the Christmas soaps weren’t really doing it for us so we decided to get him another block of Reindeer Rock. He seemed to enjoy the last block he had so I imagine he’ll be happy with the same scent again.

Lush Reindeer Rock, Outback Mate

While we were sniffing the soaps I noticed one called Outback Mate. My brother is coming home from Australia for Christmas so it only seemed fitting to pick up a small slither of this soap for him. I’m not sure about the rules of travelling with soap these days so I figured a small amount should get him through the short period of time that he’ll be home for.

Phew, that’s one more Lush haul done and dusted. I was quite proud of myself for not setting foot into Lush for a few months but let me tell you, it was getting hard. The problem with products is they run out and you have to replace them which makes a Lush ban rather difficult. Come to think of it, I’m about to run out of my body lotion…whoops!

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