Edinburgh Winter Market

Saturday 5 December 2015

Before the Forth Road Bridge closed for the remainder of the year, my other half and I crossed the now defunct metal structure in a bid to eat some waffles. We were also planning on doing some Christmas shopping but for the sake of this post, let’s focus on the waffle eating.

Edinburgh winter market

The waffles in question were located in the Winter Market that seems to be scattered across Edinburgh city centre. We ignored all of the rides due to the ridiculously powerful wind and the ice rink was completely out of the question; some of us aren’t graceful enough for such slippery fun. A few stops were made to gawp at the rides but I tended to use those stops to remove the hair that the wind had thrown into my eyes and mouth.

We did also visit a few stands all in the name of obscure Christmas shopping. Annoyingly the people my other half and I have on our Christmas present lists are horrific to buy for so absolutely nothing caught our eye. I did enjoy the little wooden pig though but who on earth would I give a wooden pig to?

Edinburgh winter market

While we avoided the majority of the food stands I did feel my feet trying to walk over to the cheese stand. Usually when I visit the Winter Market I’m in the middle of a “my body will go on fire if I dare have dairy” thing but for once, my skin was fine and I wanted cheese. I refrained from letting my feet take me to the cheese stands as knowing me, I’d choose a delightfully stinky one that would make me want to throw up whenever I opened the fridge.

There was one food stand I of course allowed myself to engage with and that was the waffle stand. Every year I visit this one specific stall and I’m always tempted by the apple strudel but the waffle is where it’s at. While my other half and I were supposed to share a waffle due to visiting David Bann’s restaurant later in the day, my other half brain farted and ordered 2 waffles. I of course didn’t complain, I don’t like sharing waffles after all. We did also have a hot chocolate each but obviously, the waffle covered in vanilla sauce is far more important.

Edinburgh winter market

What I’ve done throughout this post is made it sound like I am a total waffle obsessed human and now I’m slightly worried by the fact I’m craving such sugary delights. I’m just happy we managed to get to Edinburgh the weekend before all hell broke loose and the place I live in was cut off from the rest of Scotland. The road that leads me up north is also shut due to flooding, are the people of Scotland trying to contain me in one area? Send help!

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