Real Techniques Haul

Thursday 12 November 2015

As Boots decided to be nice to us humans who can’t resist a deal, I’ve acquired some Real Techniques items. The 3 for 2 offer is a horrible thing for your bank account but excellent for your face. I wouldn’t usually buy anything from the Real Techniques Bold Metal collection due to the prices being similar to high end brands (major brand confusion) but the 3 for 2 helped me along a little.

The 301 Flat Contour brush is what caught my eye. I initially wasn’t going to get it due to it being £22 but eventually I decided I deserve sculpted cheekbones and this brush would help me achieve such dreams. I’ve only used the brush a few times and it has been in the dark (thank you November) but so far, I’m pleased with the outcome. I’m not the best at contouring so hopefully this brush will help me along the way.

In the spirit of the ever popular “oh my god it’s 3 for 2 and I’ve only got one item” statement I searched frantically for a second product. The brushes weren’t really catching my eye and I ended up picking up the 201 Pointed Crease brush out of frustration. I’m not entirely sure how I feel about it yet. I’m not one for doing intricate eye make up looks but hey, maybe this brush will inspire me to draw on my eyelids.

Last but not least was the item I searched high and low for and almost gave up on ever finding. The *Real Techniques Miracle Complexion Sponge is something I’ve wanted to try for a while but never really got round to buying. Now that I have it, I’m a little worried about using it particularly since I’m so bad at cleaning my make up tools. I’m excited to use it but knowing me, I’ll ruin the sponge.

I’m now beginning to understand the Real Techniques hype now people! I’m shaking my faux “hipster” image here. The only annoying thing about the Bold Metal collection is the fact the brushes are white, why on earth would I want white bristles? As soon as I use the brushes they look dirty and it annoys me. I’m never happy!

Disclaimer: Anything marked with an asterisk (*) is an affiliate link.

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