Biting Back

Tuesday 24 November 2015

If there’s one thing I’ve learned in the past 11 (soon to be 12, eek) months it’s how fragile confidence can be. I’ve never been the most confident of people - I’m too shy, awkward and goofy for such a luxury – but I’m slowly learning what situations I rule at and which ones I shouldn’t put myself in if I can help it.

I’ve recently had to walk into a situation that would usually scare the living daylights out of me and although a great deal of nerves were present, I soon got over that and quickly became a confident little human. It just so happens I’m somewhat in my element but that’s not the biggest contribution to how I’m feeling. For once in my life, I’m surrounded by positive, motivated and genuinely lovely people and I’m feeding off of those good vibes.

I can’t even begin to explain how much of a relief it’s been to have a great deal of negativity leave my life. I won’t bother going into what caused all the unnecessary bad feelings as that’ll just bring me and this post down but it’s so nice to flip my hair in that disgusting direction. Who needs narcissists and rudeness when you can have puppies and lollipops!

The amazing thing is ever since I’ve gotten rid of that awfulness a lot of things have just fallen into place. I feel like I’ve grown up a lot just in the last few months and I’m ready to “adult” properly. It took a lot of shaky moments with a fair bit of crying at parts (I rarely cry so things must be bad for me to cry regularly) to get to this stage in my life but I’m rather blessed to be here. I’m still awkward, shy and goofy but I’m learning to own it and for once, I’m refusing to let the douchebags drag me down. The ones who thought they had me cornered must be really mad; I know they’re reading this post xx

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