Blogtober: Day Twenty Three

Friday 23 October 2015

While I’ve been in a rather positive and happy mood for a month or so there are little things that make me that bit cheerier. Simple things like people thanking me for holding a door open for them or a happy salesperson always brighten my day. It seems to be a rarity these days for people to actually be polite because they want to be so it’s nice to stumble upon a fellow happy person.

I’m not the best when it comes to surprising people or even comforting them when they’re having a bad day. It’s not really in my genetics but I am trying to make people feel that little bit better. While my other half surprises me with flowers and chocolate sundaes I bring him M&Ms and let him watch awful shows about zombies. They’re both little things but they make us appreciate each other that little bit more. I do think he has plans to eat me based on the amount of food he surprises me with though.

I also ensure I’m as polite as possible to anyone who assists me in a store or over the phone. Working in customer service roles really made me appreciate how nice it is to have a polite person on the other end of the phone as opposed to a big old grump so, I try to be that polite person. Admittedly I do get frustrated when the person helping me clearly can’t be bothered but I refuse to let that destroy my mood. I’m a fairy princess crapping out glitter and positivity.

Of course I have those days where I’d rather roll around in a pig sty than deal with people but I try to remind myself to remain kind and adorable. I may be having a bad day but that doesn’t mean I have to take it out on the poor, unsuspecting people around me; that’s what inanimate objects are for. I may act like a douchebag from time to time but only towards people who deserve to be taken down a peg or two. Ah yes, I’m not always a fairy princess who apparently has a serious glittery bowel issue.

All I know is manners don’t cost a penny and people who have yet to learn that aren’t worth getting your knickers in a twist over. Stay chill!

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