Blogtober: Day Twenty Six

Monday 26 October 2015

While I love blogging to the point where I decided to blog every day in October there are some things in the blogosphere that irritate me. I’m afraid day 26 of Blogtober is going to be my blogging pet peeves, who doesn’t love a good old rant though?

There’s one thing that’s really been annoying me recently and that is something that happens a lot in blogging groups on Facebook. Someone asks a question and 10 different people respond in the exact same way. I’m not sure I understand why people do this; surely to goodness they can see the first response (unless it was posted at the exact same time as theirs)?

Another thing that’s really starting to bother me is blatant plagiarism. I won’t name any names here but I’m sure a few bloggers are aware of the main culprits. If you must be a douche and steal someone else’s work at least use a thesaurus on some of the words so it’s hidden slightly better.

A lack of proof reading is a sure fire way to get me to leave a blog. Whenever I forget to proof read a post I find silly mistakes throughout when I finally go back to read it so it amazes me when people just hit publish without reading it over. An otherwise nice blog with a distinct lack of proof reading is a major pet peeve of mine.

Mirror shots for outfits of the days are fine for Twitter and maybe Instagram at a push but they annoy me for proper blog posts. If I like the look of your outfit I want to see the whole thing in detail, not a blurry shot taken in your mirror. Outfit of the day pictures are always awkward to take especially if you’re doing it in public but please stop with the mirror photos! You’re not doing yourself or your blog any justice.

The last pet peeve is something I know a lot of bloggers hate and that’s the self-entitled attitude of some. Sure it’s nice to be paid to write a post or be provided with free items but it’s not cute when bloggers hound brands for freebies. Remember that drama with the macarons (or is it macaroons? I don’t know the difference) and the girl was asking for £100 worth of free stuff? That to me was the definition of a self-entitled blogger. It’s a pain in the butt when a brand wants you to work with them for free but greedy bloggers are giving the rest of us a bad name!

There are probably a few more pet peeves I could go on about but I think these are the main ones for now. The blogging world is usually a great place to be so these things are only minor hiccups – although the plagiarism is rather disgusting – but they still annoy me to no end. Is there anything out there that doesn’t annoy me?

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