Blogtober: Day Twenty Seven

Tuesday 27 October 2015

Worryingly 2015 is nearing an end and there are a few things I wish to achieve before December 31st. I always make New Year’s resolutions but never stick to them so I’ve chosen to make mini goals every so often. Who needs a new year to achieve little things?

As the nights are longer and daylight is scarce I’ve really started to slack on workouts. The idea of getting out of my bed at ridiculous o’clock to run around in the freezing cold is not appealing whatsoever. My other half and I will be venturing off on a zombie survival experience in the next few months and I want to have some level of fitness before we run for our lives. I’ll need to brace the cold and get back into more of a routine.

The distinct lack of daylight also affects another one of my mini goals. Throughout Blogtober I’ve shown you some of my favourite art materials and, while I’m doing my best to draw more, the darkness means I have little time to do it in. I’m going to need to find a way around the early nights; I’m not making the mistake of painting by electric light ever again!

I really want to revise my wardrobe and autumn and winter seems like a rather good time to do it. Living in Scotland means it’s permanently cold so having layers to turn to is never a bad idea. I’m brilliant at picking out clothes for other people but I’m awful at dressing myself so I’m determined to change that. Knowing me I’ll just end up with a billion pairs of black skinny jeans and a scarf or two.

Revising my wardrobe also means throwing a few things away. I have around 40 pairs of shoes which really need to be whittled down along with the tops that lie crumpled up at the bottom of a drawer. I’m awful when it comes to throwing things away as I always look at the item and convince myself I’ll wear it again. Maybe I should enlist the help of someone else as nothing will leave my wardrobe if I do it myself.

So there we have my little goals for the end of the year. I really wish I could bring back the sun to encourage my legs to work in the morning but sadly, I was not blessed with such ability. On the plus side, the goal I set myself at the beginning of October is almost complete; there’s only 4 days left of Blogtober people!

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