Blogtober: Day Twenty Five

Sunday 25 October 2015

While I’ve been conquering the world of cooking (when I say conquering, I mean burning) I do still enjoy having someone cook for me. I’ve somehow made more hungry visits to the Fettykil Fox this year than I have in my entire lifetime and yesterday’s trip was visit number 3.

There were 8 of us sniffing around for food and such a number made it rather difficult to find space in the bar. While the Fettykil Fox is a fairly large bar and restaurant, space fills up rather quickly so a 7.30pm arrival means you’re almost destined to stand around awkwardly in hopes someone will vacate their table.

Fortunately we had a table booked for 8pm and it was ready a little earlier than expected. We were given a table right next to the fireplace so it was a very cosy area. The chairs did make it a little difficult to relax due to their rather stiff back; I guess the chairs ensure your posture is on point but they also give you a very sore bum.

While the majority of the table opted for a starter I decided to be the one to sit without any food in front of them. None of the starters really caught my eye and the idea of the Italian bean and mozzarella soup was rather disturbing – what’s wrong with plain old tomato for a soup of the day? I ended up surrounded by prawn cocktail, lamb kofta and garlic mushrooms and, although it all smelt delightful, I wouldn’t have chosen any of them.

As a fussy vegetarian I make a point of checking out a restaurant’s menu prior to walking through the door. I was extremely disappointed to find that the Fettykil Fox were advertising just one vegetarian option on their online dinner menu but, as it turns out, their online menu is lacking quite a few things and there were in fact 3 veggie options. I ended up going for something I’ve had before at the Fettykil Fox and that was the courgette, carrot and chickpea burger with chips and gherkin relish.

The first time I ever had this burger I found it to be rather dry but this time around, it was fabulous. Annoyingly the mayonnaise that had been slapped on the bun was anything but generous and the one piece of lettuce and few tomatoes were hardly inspiring. The chips made up for those failures though as they were to die for! If I could just have a plate of those chips I would!

The other items that were ordered by the humans sharing the table with me were sea bass (which didn’t go down very well), hunter’s chicken (which lacked in barbecue sauce on one plate), fish and chips, steak and ale pie (minus the pastry as the consumer doesn’t like pastry, weird I know) and a bread board. For the most part everyone seemed to enjoy their main meal but it was agreed that things could’ve been better.

When it came to desserts it was just the person sitting next to me and I who chose to share one. We went for the Belgian chocolate brownie which was quite possibly the best part of the meal. The brownie came with ice cream but, as I’m not an ice cream fan, that was devoured entirely by the person I was sharing with. The brownie itself however, was incredible. It was the perfect amount of gooeyness and was as chocolatey as can be. If it was acceptable to have a pudding for a main course the brownie would be my choice!

While we were all a bit stuffed by the end of our meals a few of us weren’t overly pleased with the food. Some weren’t happy due to their own choice in food while others were left a little disappointed by what was served. There is a rather large selection on the Fettykil Fox’s menu – although every time I go they always seem to have run out of a few items – and it's their downfall at times.

There are possibly too many items to be made for them all to be 100% perfect every time which is a shame as they all sound delightful. Saying that though, the comfortable, rustic atmosphere of the bar and restaurant and the friendly staff ensures that you’re destined to have a good time even if your food isn’t completely up to scratch.

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