Blogtober: Day Twelve

Monday 12 October 2015

While I’ve had to cut down on my Lush purchases dramatically due to acquiring so much, I still somehow have quite a considerable amount lying around. My Lush drawer is still a bit too full to justify any more purchases but here is my current Lush collection. Happy day 12 of Blogtober y’all!

While I tend to gravitate towards the permanent Lush products, I do occasionally pick up some limited edition items. I do have a hard time getting the limited edition products since the majority of them are for bath use only and sadly, I am without a bath in my house. I tend to only pick up bubble bars and bath bombs when I’m going to be staying in a hotel with a luxuriously large bath.

The issue with having a bit of a Lush addiction means I’m forever racing against expiration dates. I have quite a few products that have to be used by December otherwise they’ll be thrown in the bin. I do my best to use each product before they’re due to expire but I always get too excited about newer items and use them first. What I need is a Lush spreadsheet with all of the products in order of expiration date.

I’m also extremely bad at buying large tubs of each item even if I’ve never tried the product before. There’s been quite a few things that I’ve hated but have a considerable amount of yet I still never learn. I really wish someone would stop me from buying the big tubs at times as the small ones are sometimes more than enough. I need someone to accompany me to Lush every single time I dare go near a store.

There are a few things from Lush that people constantly rave about that I’ve yet to try so I’m sure I’ll be adding to this collection soon. I’ve also turned my other half into a Lush addict so I can always justify any future purchases by saying they’re for him.

Well, now that my room reeks of Lush I’m oddly happy. I should probably return all of these items back to their drawer now since I’m sure one of them will stain my carpet but they all look so pretty I don’t want to put them away. Does anyone have the address for Lush rehab as I think I may have a problem?

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