Blogtober: Day Three

Saturday 3 October 2015

While a large chunk of my internet usage is spent on social media I do occasionally stray away from the 140 characters of Twitter to less interactive websites. I wouldn’t usually do a post like this but as it’s Blogtober I’ve decided to tell you about those other websites that I lurk on. Here goes!


Forbes is probably my most visited website behind Twitter and Facebook. It produces a wide variety of content relating to business and finance with the occasional bit of technology thrown in for good measure. I don’t have the best of attention spans these days but, as the majority of the articles are so well written and very informative, I manage to get through a considerable amount during a Forbes binge. Forbes also has the rich list so it’s a good place to find your future husband or wife.

The New York Times:

While I was born and raised in Scotland, I’m very much a chili cheese fries eating American at heart and my choice in newspaper reflects this. The New York Times is my go to online source for American, world and sports news and if I could actually buy a physical copy of the newspaper on a daily basis I would. Annoyingly you only get 10 free articles a month but as I read it across 3 devices, I haven’t had to pay a penny yet


I can’t get all of my sports news from The New York Times so and are visited on a regular basis. I tend to favour NFL over any other sport so of course, all football news is read and noted and then regurgitated at odd intervals. People must be really sick of my random football facts that hold no real relevance to anything.


Okay this is a bit of a weird one but roll with me on it. I have an odd tendency to set the filters on Rightmove to an atrocious amount of money and then drool over the property. Basically I like having a look around rich people homes without having the awkward “who are you and why are you in my house” conversation. I’ve just made myself sound like an absolute weirdo haven’t I?

Funnily enough I couldn’t actually write this post without stopping to check out Forbes. Perhaps I have a bit of a business addiction. Oh well, I’m sure people will be totally impressed by the useless business facts I’m about to spring upon them!

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