Blogtober: Day Thirty

Friday 30 October 2015

As a small child I wanted to be either a vet or a zoologist. I absolutely adored all animals (aside from spiders) when I was growing up and I thought working with them would be the ultimate dream. As I got older I started to realise that working with animals isn’t all fun and games. I knew fine well there was no way in hell I could ever put an animal down and soon after that realisation hit me, I no longer wanted to work with animals.

At 14 years old, I became a vegetarian. I don’t really like the taste of meat anyway but I also can’t stand the idea that the thing I’m chewing on was wandering around in a field a few days beforehand. I do occasionally devour a pepperoni pizza or a sausage roll from time to time but I rarely feel good afterwards. Vegetarianism is the obvious way forward for me and I’m rather happy to be – predominately – meat free.

Annoyingly though, not everyone can understand why I live my life without meat on my plate and feel the need to question me to death about it. I could explain until I’m blue in the face why I’ve chosen to be a vegetarian but it really wouldn’t matter; people want meat and are confused by those who don’t.

I’ve refrained from being a preaching vegetarian as it’s really none of my business if people want to eat meat but sadly, not all meat eaters are the same. I’ve lost count of how many people have tried to “educate” me on the benefits of eating meat not to mention the amount of times I’ve had a bacon roll shoved in my face. It amuses me to no end that people feel the need to involve themselves in my diet. It’s like they must convert me to their flesh eating ways or I’ll die of lack of chicken nuggets.

I can happily sit at a table with meat eaters and I hope one day meat eaters can sit at the table with me and not interrogate me. I don’t mind questions from people who are genuinely curious but if you’re going to shove a bloody steak in my face, I’d rather you shoved your head down the toilet. Now if you don’t mind, I have a zucchini pizza to enjoy.

P.S Tomorrow is the last day of Blogtober, I'm almost at the finish line! I'll bring the party hats, you bring the cookies.

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