Blogtober: Day Thirty One

Saturday 31 October 2015

Break out the party hats and streamers as I have officially made it to the end of Blogtober! I genuinely didn’t think I would get this far so I’m rather proud of myself at the moment. I can honestly say that I never want to blog every single day for a month ever again; it’s rather hard work! Trying to think of new posts and create content that I actually want on my blog was incredibly difficult and I did post a few things that I’m not totally pleased with. I guess it’s a learning experience at the end of the day though and I had a good time doing it.

While it may be the end of Blogtober it also happens to be Halloween. I really wish I could do a more Halloween themed post but I’m afraid to say, this is not my favourite day. I don’t really get the appeal of Halloween; I never have to be honest. I did go trick or treating as a kid and have been to a few Halloween parties in my time but it’s just another day of the year to me. I am currently munching my way through the sweets intended for the trick or treaters though so there’s one plus.

Despite my lack of ability to enjoy the day to its full extent I did do something slightly Halloween like today. There was a small article in our local newspaper the other day about a zombie parade that would be taking place on Dunfermline high street today. Upon seeing this, my other half and I chose to investigate and made our way to the town centre in time for the parade starting.

While there were around 30 people in the parade I don’t think it was advertised enough for people to be fully aware of it. I think a lot of people were completely confused when they noticed a bunch of people staggering towards them. Hopefully this will become an annual thing and will be on a bigger scale next year. The people in the parade did look really good though, there just needs to be more of them.

Today also happened to be the day of the rugby World Cup final, something I’m not overly interested in but was forced into watching regardless. I don’t fully understand rugby (I’m more of a NFL fan) but I’ve watched countless games during this World Cup so I guess it made sense for me to watch the final. I really had no preference over who I wanted to win but I really thought there would be an upset with New Zealand and Australia would take the win. It’s probably a good thing I didn’t put a bet on!

I did have a few items to help me through the final game though. When Tesco discovered I’m not a huge rugby fan they were kind enough to send me some items to get me through the day*. The box arrived this morning and inside was a few goodies that will come in handy for any major sporting event (Super Bowl 50 I’m looking at you). I received a rugby ball which will no doubt be thrown at my face by accident at one point, an inflatable beer bucket, a 30 foot long crowd mural and a Tesco gift card. My other half used to play rugby so I imagine he’s itching to get me on the rugby field near my house and teach me how to play. Oh Tesco what have you done?!

So that’s the last post of Blogtober finished, if you managed to stick with me for the last 31 days then you deserve a medal. I’ll be returning to my regular, sporadic posts from this point forward and I will definitely not be doing Blogmas! I think I deserve another tiny pack of gummy bears for making it to the end!

*Tesco kindly gifted me these items however, I am not being compensated for this post and all opinions are my own.

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