Blogtober: Day Thirteen

Tuesday 13 October 2015

While I’ve always tried to add a personal touch to my blog I seem to be lacking in more “me” posts. I’m not exactly one for sharing large aspects of my life with strangers on the internet so it’ll probably be a while before I get into the real nitty gritty. There is one thing I can do to help you get to know me a bit better (because I’m sure you’re absolutely dying to get to know me more…) and that is to share some random facts about myself. Blogtober: Day 13, the personal day.

My middle name came as a total surprise to my mum. Dad went away to register my birth or whatever it is you do when a baby pops out and decided to give me a middle name while he was at it.

I used to dress like my brother when I was a kid to the point where I would steal his old shoes before he threw them away. If he was wearing shorts and football top then I would wear shorts and a football top, if he added a hat, I would add a hat. I thought he was cool, I quickly learned otherwise.

I refrained from learning to drive at the age of 17 as I claimed I didn’t want to start learning to drive in the winter. The truth is I was rather worried about driving a car on a road with other people when I crashed a go-kart on a straight (I thought I saw Matthew Fox).

Alcohol and I met when I was 14. My brother’s then girlfriend gave me Apple Sourz before trying to fix me up with her cousin. She was a lovely girl and one of the few girlfriends of my brother who wasn’t called Natalie.

No matter how big the bed is, I will always sleep right at the edge. Weirdly anyone who sleeps next to me will roll into me during the night and almost push me out of the bed. It’s like they don’t want me there…

I first dyed my hair when I was 10. I used the wash in, wash out stuff and dyed my hair multiple colours ranging from red to purple to grey. They grey was supposed to be blue and I wasn’t cool enough to pull it off.

When I finally chose to dye my hair black at the age of 15 I accidentally dyed it green. In an attempt to pretend I meant to do that I added in some pink and I looked ridiculous for weeks.

I have an obsession with plucking my eyebrows and I get really annoyed when I can feel a stray. As soon as I know there’s a stray there I can’t stop feeling it. I need to start carrying tweezers with me.

I’m slightly worried that I’m about to give away all of the weird things about myself so I’ll end this post here. Sometimes I worry about the strange things I did as a child and teenager especially when I remember that I didn’t even notice how odd those actions were. Maybe one day I’ll go full on strange child with you. That sounded creepy!

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