Blogtober: Day Ten

Saturday 10 October 2015

It’s official, we’re a third of the way through Blogtober. In 20 days you will no longer have to read my daily rambles (you don’t have to anyway but you know what I mean), assuming I make it to the end of course.

Anyway, I’ve decided today’s post will be my make up pet peeves as I’m a negative Nelly. Okay, I’m not always negative but there are some make up mistakes that irritate me so much I want to throw make up wipes at people. This is perfectly normal behaviour. Here goes!

1. Foundation that’s far too dark for your skin

I feel you on this one, it’s hard to find a foundation that matches your skin especially when you resemble a ghost like I do but c’mon, don’t just slap on the first foundation you find. The only people who can pull off bright orange faces are Oompa Loompas and even they look ridiculous.

2. Not blending your foundation

Ah yes, the dreaded foundation line. If you don’t know what this is just watch an episode of Jeremy Kyle; it’s featured at least once every episode. Blending your foundation shouldn’t be rocket science but many people seem to struggle with the concept. Just blend until your arm hurts.

3. Bright eyeshadow with bright lipstick

There are very few people in this world that can pull off bright eyeshadow with bright lipstick and it’s a look that should only be attempted by drag queens. I don’t know what compels people to wear bright blue eyeshadow with bright pink lipstick but I worry about them. It’s one or the other, never both!

4. Clumped eyelashes

While wearing horrific mascara in high school I was so annoyed by it I almost tore my eyelashes out. When my art buddy asked me what was wrong I told her my eyelashes were too clumped together for me to function and she informed me that mascara is supposed to do that. I almost covered her in paint for such an odd remark. If your mascara is clumping your eyelashes as opposed to separating and lengthening, you need new mascara and possibly a mirror.

5. Overdrawn eyebrows

Why? Just why? I don’t care if you pluck your eyebrows out and draw them back on but I can’t stand seeing people who have practically used a sharpie to draw over their natural eyebrows. If you want fuller brows, by all means create them but don’t overdo it. If you try and have a conversation with me I will stare at your eyebrows so much I won’t hear anything you’re saying.

I should probably end things here before I start dissing things I did in high school (too much eyeliner, weird eyeshadow application, patchy foundation etc). I’m awfully judgemental when it comes to make up but I just find it so strange that people would want to deter from their natural beauty with really strange make up application. Just stay chill when it comes to your face, you don’t need to resemble an Oompa Loompa with clumpy eyelashes and ridiculous eyebrows to be cute!

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