Blogtober: Day Seven

Wednesday 7 October 2015

Look who’s managed a whole week of Blogtober! It’s a miracle.

Despite the day’s becoming increasingly shorter and the rain making any form of daylight utterly miserable, I’ve somehow found myself drawing and painting again. I’ve tried over and over to get back into art but I’ve failed every single time. I just don’t have the patience I used to and I get incredibly frustrated at myself. Realism is not my strong point but it’s my favourite style of art and it annoys me when I can’t achieve anything close to it. It takes years of practice (or a considerable amount of talent) to achieve anything close to realism so I just need to find something in me to keep practicing.

I’ve had a lot of art supplies lying around for a good few years now and the one I’ve wanted to master the most is watercolour. I have 2 watercolour palettes along with a lot of watercolour pencils but I’ve never really used them to their full potential. The watercolour palette has been used multiple times in the past (as you can probably see from the large dents in some of the paint) but I never got very far with it. I tend to favour bolder paintings over delicate work so watercolour has never been my thing but I’m determined to be a watercolour pro.

The fact the leaves are now starting to change colour means I have multiple pictures of leaves to paint. It’s a rather dull subject matter but I refuse to move onto anything else until I’m happy with my watercolour technique. I’m finally finding my patience and despite not producing paintings I’m 100% pleased with, I’m rather happy with the direction I’m going in. Now if I could just figure out how to use watercolour pencils without making a huge mess I would be even happier.

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