Blogtober: Day One

Thursday 1 October 2015

It’s official, I am attempting Blogtober! I remember many moons ago I started a 30 day writing challenge but quit after 5 days so hopefully I’ll do better this time around. I have absolutely no idea what I hope to achieve by doing Blogtober other than possibly a sense of accomplishment. I can pretty much guarantee that this is going to put me under enormous blogging pressure to post every day and I’ll probably spontaneously combust. I wonder if I could get someone to guest post about my combustion…

I’ll keep this first Blogtober post light by explaining my blog’s name. This blog has actually undergone multiple name changes and many overhauls. I can’t remember its first name (I think it may have been rawrcicles but I’ve had so many blogs I can’t keep up) but prior to Raise The Waves it was something like ‘The Human Wreckage’. This was my name – or at least a variation of it – right across most social media platforms and it came from the line “I’m the kind of human wreckage that you love” in My Chemical Romance – Blood.

After I was well and truly out of my emo and scene days I wanted to change my blog name so I took 2 songs by The Draymin and combined them together. The songs I chose were Raise Me and The Waves and the idea came to me during a late night music session. It hardly took a brainwave for this blog name to appear but hey, I liked what my late night thought process produced.

All of the blogs I’ve had have never really been named anything that reflects their subject matter. This blog once solely focused on beauty and The Human Wreckage and Raise The Waves hardly implies make up and glitter and all things superficial. I guess I went for these names because I am one of those people who just happens to really love music. There’s nothing really else to it than that.

Okay that's one day down, now for the rest. Wish me luck!

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