Blogtober: Day Nine

Friday 9 October 2015

While clearing out my cupboard I stumbled across a few paintings that I’d forgotten all about.

When I was 18 I choose to start a Slipknot painting series however, it was awfully short lived. I managed to get through one and half portraits before deciding I didn’t really fancy painting the rest of the members.

Clown was the first member I painted and it was a picture of him taken by Paul Harries that made me want to start the series. I hadn’t really had a consistent amount of experience with acrylics when I painted Clown but for some reason, the drawing and the painting came naturally to me. It’s a rarity for this to happen in my world and for that reason, this painting is probably the best thing I’ve ever done. There are some parts that bother me, particularly the hands but I guess you can’t have everything. Looking at this painting reminds me of how much patience I once had and I would love to rediscover that again.

Corey Taylor is the half-finished portrait in the series. I didn’t put quite as much effort into this portrait as I did with Clown as I think I knew deep down that I wasn’t really feeling the series anymore. Corey Taylor ended up looking really flat and I rushed quite a lot of it in the end. It’s rather annoying as the picture I was using for reference was a great live shot and I didn’t do it justice whatsoever.

The final painting pictured was started during a Miami Ink binge. My dad had just been taken into hospital with pneumonia and I was looking for something to take my mind off things. I figured drawing a koi fish on the largest canvas I had would be the perfect distraction but as you can see, I didn’t get very far. I remember being very frustrated with the drawing of this piece and ended up painting it prematurely; rookie mistake on my part as I couldn’t salvage the drawing and messed it up. Looking at it now is showing me that I now have a good opportunity to fix my mistakes and try it all again. Maybe it’ll come out better than it would’ve then.

I’m thoroughly enjoying rediscovering my old artwork as it’s encouraging me to draw and paint more. I have a few more pieces hiding away in a portfolio but I really do mean few there. I rarely completed drawings and paintings out of frustration and a lot of them are probably lying in a landfill site somewhere. Frustrated wannabe artist right here!

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