Blogtober: Day Fourteen

Wednesday 14 October 2015

While wandering around Edinburgh earlier today I started to notice the same thing over and over again. I’ve always been one to eye up handbags but I’m becoming bored of the usual offerings the females of Britain insist on carrying these days. As much as I love Michael Kors, I’m over seeing the bags everywhere I go. I love fashion (although you probably wouldn’t guess that if you looked in my wardrobe) but I’m becoming increasingly tired of seeing the same old thing. I think it’s time I do a part 2 to my fashion pet peeves. I mean no offense in this post by the way, I’m just a bitter 22 year old.

1. Guys in Too Tight Skinny Jeans

I don’t mind guys in skinny jeans but the super tight ones confuse me. How on earth did they squeeze themselves into them and is their blood managing to get round their body ok? There is one advantage to too tight skinny jeans on guys though; we all now know which of the wearers haven’t got much going on down there. Do a Lenny Kravitz and stuff a sock in your trousers.

2. Fake Designer Handbags

After spending too much time in Harvey Nichols and Mulberry I’m learning to smell a fake designer handbag from a mile away. There are some fake handbags that are so well made it’s difficult to tell them apart from a real one but then there are others where it’s just painfully obvious that they’re not the real deal. I don’t know why fake designer bags make my skin crawl as much as they do but I can’t help it, I just don’t get the appeal.

3. Clothes and Accessories with the Brand Logo Printed All Over It

I may be referring to Louis Vuitton bags in particular here. I used to really like Louis Vuitton when I was a kid and strived to purchase a bag as an adult but since I’ve grown up, I much prefer my brands to be a bit more subtle. The world doesn’t need to know who designed my bag; they just need to know it’s pretty.

4. Wearing Gym Clothes in Public When You’ve Never Worked Out In Your Life

What is the appeal of wearing a matching grey tracksuit in public? Do people seriously not realise how lazy and slobby this looks? I don’t care if you wear gym clothes around the house or throw them on when making a quick run to the shop but don’t wear them to dinner. It’s weird and I can only assume you haven’t showered.

5. Not Matching Your Shoes To Your Outfit

This annoys me so much it hurts! Like the gym clothes thing, I don’t mind if you’ve put on the first shoes you’ve found when running an errand but make an effort when an effort is required. Don’t throw on white trainers with a suit, don’t wear wellies with a dress (even when you’re at a festival) and definitely do not clash your shoes with your bag. If I see you wearing a pair of green shoes while carrying a red bag I will put tinsel and fairy lights on you as you look like Christmas.

I do apologise if I’ve offended you at any point during this post, it’s completely unintentional, I just happen to hate a lot of things. There are a lot more fashion related things I hate (like latex outfits used outside of sex shops and the bedroom) so I’m sure a part 3 will appear one day. Bring on the next trend.

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