Blogtober: Day Eight

Thursday 8 October 2015

While I’ve never been a huge movie fan, I do have my favourites that I will happily watch again and again. Mainstream movies and I don’t have the greatest relationship so a film has to be really good (or really stupid) for me to like it. There are a few movies that have made their way into my firm favourites and for day 8 of Blogtober, I’ve chosen to share these movies with you. How excited are you?

Requiem for a Dream is my all-time favourite film and book. I watched the movie due to Jared Leto’s presence and it’s quite possibly the best film he’s ever done. The story follows the lives of 4 people and although it starts off fine and dandy, it ends rather disturbingly. I won’t give anything away other than if you’re not a fan of drug use, prostitution, lobotomies or amputation then you might want to steer clear of Requiem for a Dream.

Eminem in a film? Count me in! I may have watched 8 Mile to drool over Eminem but I actually ended up liking it so much I watched it 3 times in one day. Yeah I know, I’m a total loser with too much time on my hands. 8 Mile focuses on a white rapper trying to make it big in an industry that he doesn’t seem quite cut out for at the start. This isn’t a typical rap film, there’s no drugs, no nudity and no ridiculously oversized chains and I think that all contributes to why I like 8 Mile so much. It’s a raw story about a guy living in a trailer on the wrong side of 8 Mile trying to make a name for himself. It doesn’t need any gimmicks; it’s just a genuinely good film.

Okay so this film is beyond stupid and Bill Murray is in it for no reason whatsoever but Space Jam is incredible. I absolutely loved Space Jam as a kid and must’ve watched it on video a 1000 times. I think this ignited my love of basketball and made me a lifelong fan of Michael Jordan. Weirdly it kind of put me off the Looney Tunes but hey, you win some, you lose some. If you were deprived of Space Jam as a child I’m afraid to say you missed out big time.

I saw The Blind Side at the cinema (due to Sandra Bullock, are you beginning to see a pattern here?) and instantly liked it. It’s such a sweet, heart-warming story that comes from a sad, painful place. While I never expected to like a film revolving around a NFL player so much – The Blind Side was released before my NFL obsession hit – I really appreciated how hard Michael Oher has worked to get to where he is and couldn’t help but be inspired by his struggles. While The Blind Side misses out some key points it’s such a beautiful film that I urge you to watch it if you haven’t already. Michael Oher’s book 'I Beat The Odds: From Homelessness to the Blind Side and Beyond' is also a great accompaniment to The Blind Side.

While there are a few others that I’ve refrained from blabbering about (mainly Lord of the Rings) I think I covered my taste in movies rather well here. Basically I like anything involving sports, music or Jared Leto. I’m a simple girl really.

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