Five Sisters Zoo

Sunday 27 September 2015

The problem with being an adult is you’re suddenly responsible for finding your own entertainment. As a child my parents thought of the majority of ways my time could be spent (apparently reading in a cupboard wasn’t a suitable way to spend every single weekend) but now, they don’t decide and I have to rack my own brain for ideas. Things aren’t helped by my other half who is awfully indecisive so you can imagine my surprise when he decided we should spend our Saturday at the Five Sisters Zoo in West Calder.

Five Sisters Zoo

Neither of us had actually heard of the Five Sisters Zoo before but after hearing his mum enjoyed her visit we were eager to go. We were rather confused when we finally rolled up to the zoo to find it looked like a construction site. The panic set in and I started to think his mum had punk’d us but fortunately, the only real construction that is currently being carried out is on the new lion enclosure and eating area.

We started our visit to the zoo with the meerkats. We recently went to Blair Drummond Safari Park and I was left a little distressed by the size of their meerkat enclosure so Five Sisters large meerkat area made me rather happy. I absolutely adore meerkats and couldn’t get enough of the little babies chasing the adults.

There was a considerable amount of animals surrounding the meerkats so we spent quite a lot of time in just the one area. We were disappointed that the porcupine didn’t want to come out of its little hut but hey, if I had people gawping at me all day I probably wouldn’t come out either. The rest of the animals were livelier though so I’ll leave the porcupine alone.

Five Sisters Zoo
The lemur doesn't look very pleased does it?

The Five Sisters Zoo has a wide variety of apes to stare at so we watched them swing around in their enclosures. We did have a staring contest with one monkey and he managed to end it by almost urinating on us. I’m not sure what we did to deserve that one but I think I’ll bring a poncho next time I go to a zoo.

If you’re a big fan of birds then the Five Sisters Zoo will spoil you rotten. I felt a little sorry for all of the parrots since everyone who went to look at them insisted on shouting “hello” at them. There was a sign up stating that the parrots were former pets and may offend people with what they come out with. I was kind of hoping they would tell everyone where to go but I guess they were being polite that day.

Five Sisters Zoo

While we spent quite a large portion of our day in the main bit, we did manage to make our way over to the new lion area, the bears and the Arctic wolves. This part of the zoo was a little difficult to find due to it being hidden behind the play area but it meant it was much quieter than the rest of the place. I’m afraid there’s only so many times I can have parents push in front of me with their children before I start throwing rocks.

My other half spotted an Arctic wolf running laps while we wee walking over to the bears so he chose to run with the wolf. Needless to say, the wolf outran him spectacularly but he’s now proud to say he ran alongside a wolf – just ignore the fence in between them.

Five Sisters Zoo

Once we had had our fill on the animals in the quieter section we made our way over to the wallabies. You can actually walk amongst the wallabies and their little chicken and rabbit friends so we had a delightful time doing that. I guess we entered the area at the wrong time since 2 wallabies were feeling a bit frisky and had to go into a shed to fulfil their needs. At least they had some privacy but it was over awfully fast. I’d be quite disappointed if I was the female.

Five Sisters Zoo

We ended our trip to the Five Sisters zoo in a rather odd area. I’m always amused when zoos have the likes of Guinea pigs and goats so I had a little giggle at what I can only describe as the “petting” zoo. My other half and I thoroughly enjoyed hanging out with the goats and even named one of them Majestic. He’s a cute little thing and I was so tempted into taking him home with us.

We did head into the reptile area while in the petting zoo bit and I got the fright of my life when we walked through a door to find an iguana just hanging out over our heads. He was pretty chill but I wasn’t expecting him to be right there. There are also a decent amount of snakes in this part of the zoo and I am absolutely terrified of them. The tarantula that was curled up in its cage didn’t really help me either. I did enjoy the little tortoises though so they pulled me out of my fear; it’s the first time I’ve seen tortoises when they aren’t procreating (there’s a wonderful place in Barbados where the tortoises seem to spend their whole days having orgies and the public can perv on them).

Five Sisters Zoo

After one last visit to the meerkats we decided to end our time at the Five Sisters Zoo. Of course I had to buy the Blue Raspberry Bon Bons from the gift shop before we left but at least I didn’t insist on getting the toy goat I wanted. My other half and I were rather impressed with the zoo and for once, it didn’t leave me completely bummed out like most animal places do. The majority of the animals in the Five Sisters Zoo seemed quite lively and happy which is something I can’t really say about the majority of zoos and safari parks I’ve been to. I still wish I brought Majestic the goat home with us though, maybe next time!

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