College Sketchbooks

Friday 4 September 2015

While digging through my cupboard in search for an eraser I stumbled across my old sketchbooks. I acquired quite a few while at college and felt the need to go through them. I haven’t really done anything creative (other than blogging) for a long time and it was quite nice to see what I used to spend my days doing. I thought I’d share some photos of what poured out of my 17 year old mind in hopes it will motivate me to actually start drawing again.

The theme for one of my classes was “what makes you you” and as I was a very dull person at the ripe old age of 17 the only thing I really had was music. I think you may be able to tell who my favourite band was based on 3 paintings/drawings in particular…to think, these are only the tip of the iceberg.

I really liked (I still do but not to the same extent) tattoos when I was a teenager so a few tattoo designs managed to sneak their way in. I’d love to say these were my own ideas but sadly, they’re not. I’m not that imaginative I’m afraid. I also liked Blink 182 at this point hence the logo; that was a love affair that burned out when I hit the age of 18.

These little prints were an assignment we had to complete. I can’t remember why I chose eyes and cherry blossoms but I do remember frequently drawing blood after shoving the cutting tool into my finger by mistake. Cutting tools and lino are dangerous things.

Ah a little pen drawing of Billie Joe Armstrong with a Tupac lyric above him. I think it’s safe to say Mr Armstrong looks horribly out of proportion and desperately needs to brush his hair.

This is just a really random page I did a few months ago while bored so it didn’t come from my teenage mind. The yellow post it note was given to me by mum the day after I had a bit of a meltdown while the other things are just random bits and bobs. At least you now know I saw Dallas Buyers Club in cinema because that’s obviously important…

Oh look, one of my many pop art style paintings of Green Day. This is one of the first paintings I did at college and was probably my favourite mainly because I actually got to spend some time on it. It’s also relevant to my theme so woohoo for that!

Here’s another random page which seems to involve a bad watercolour study of Billie Joe Armstrong’s eye. The blue, yellow and pink thing is something I used a few months ago to make a big paint mess on a piece of paper while the rose is merely just a rose, nothing more to it than that.

I forgot about the 30 Seconds To Mars glyphs. I almost had these tattooed on me when I was 18 but fortunately switched it over to a Joy Division song instead. There’s also a drawing of a ship in a bottle which I did for part of my brother’s tattoo design as well as a picture of Sam Carter from Architects. I had the most generic music taste ever when I was a teenager.

Well this page is a little bit weird. I did a drawing of Joey Jordison in sharpie on the previous page but didn’t like it. After discovering it had seeped through to the other side I covered it up with a poster of Corey Taylor which, as you can see, has since been ripped out. Now that doodle of Joey Jordison is forever staring at me from that page. Creepy.

Could that possibly be Billie Joe Armstrong again? Why yes, yes it is. Another pop up style painting of the man looking like someone has just shoved something somewhere he didn’t want it. Fabulous.

Well look here, my first painting in this entire sketchbook and it’s rather basic to say the least. It is supposed to say “Love Will Tear Us Apart” (the Joy Division tattoo I have in case you didn’t see that one coming) but it seems to be more like pink splodges over a black heart. I think this was my first ever attempt at graffiti style writing, I promise I’ve gotten a bit better since this attempt.

Well that’s really it in terms of completed pages in this sketchbook, it’s a miracle I managed to pass the class since I took so long on each drawing I barely managed any. What can I say? I like to spend time on my work rather than churning out lumpy painting after lumpy painting. I don’t think this post has actually rekindled my love of drawing, if anything, it’s made me question why I was allowed to study art to begin with.

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