The Court House

Thursday 4 June 2015

Lately all anyone in my town has talked about is the new café that opened in the old county buildings. I must’ve spoken to a good, oh I don’t know, 3 people about it; it’s the talk of the town!

You can’t blame us small town folk for getting excited about a new, shiny café; we’re just so used to our rundown establishments to the point where we’re confused when something that doesn’t have people fighting outside of it comes along. I’m really selling my town aren’t I?

Anyway, my other half, my mum and I ended up in The Court House (located across from the petrol station I used to buy copious amounts of Freddos from in Kinross, Scotland) on a random Bank Holiday Monday I’ve never had to celebrate before. I had checked out the menu beforehand as the fussy vegetarian in me demands all places serving food are personally approved before going anywhere near them. Clearly the fussy vegetarian in me approved The Court House.

The décor of the café (or is it a restaurant? I have no idea) is my idea of a brilliant space. It’s rustic yet modern and oh so cosy. The Court House is a fairly large café that comes complete with an outdoor area and a pizza oven (yes, pizza oven!). I wish I had gotten more pictures of the café itself but I’m not quite past “self-conscious blogger” mode yet.

I had decided prior to getting to The Court House that I would have the mozzarella, rocket and tomato panini (without yucky tomatoes of course) however, upon seeing the menu in person I discovered there was no such thing. The menu as it turns out has gone through multiple changes and as a result, the online menu is incorrect. Boo!

I did end up with a rather fabulous egg mayo and chive baguette which was both delicious and incredibly soft. Stupidly though the current menu has been laid out as if to say all fillings for baguettes come in panini form too which is not the case. It’s rather misleading and a rather poor design.

Annoyingly I wasn't thinking about photos when I chose my seat so the window ruined everything.

My other half and my mum both ordered the prawn Marie baguette which was apparently yummy but ew, prawns (can you see why I’m not a food blogger?). My mother also went for a cup of tea on a roasting hot day while my other half played it boringly safe with plain water.

I being the unhealthy person I am ordered a coke but somehow they were completely out of coke so I had to go for the diet version. I would like to have some serious words with the person who thought of diet coke, what the hell were they thinking?

After we’d finish our rather dainty baguettes with the salad and coleslaw on the side we had a goosey gander at the dessert menu. I’m not a cake person but if there’s chocolate fudge cake on the menu chances are I’ll probably order it so, funnily enough, I did just that.

My significant other also went for the chocolate fudge cake but was a rather cheeky bugger and asked for ice cream too. Typically the cake doesn’t come with ice cream but our waitress and the chef were nice enough to provide it for him (and then didn’t charge us for it). I always like it when that happens.

I’m quite glad I took the opportunity to go to The Court House when I did. I rarely get to see new cafes when they’ve first opened so it’s nice to see a place that already has a friendly, welcoming atmosphere and is building up a good reputation for itself. Sure there are parts that could be improved but I won’t hold any of that against them, they’ve got cute teapots after all.

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