(That's Why They Call Me Slim Shady) I'm Back

Saturday 20 June 2015

Long-time no see! I would love to tell you that I abandoned my own blog for 2 weeks because I was off doing something exciting and glamorous but that would just be a lie. I just haven’t had the energy, imagination or desire to blog recently. The dreaded writers/creative block didn’t really help either. Major blogger problems!

I haven’t really done a personal post for a while so, before I get back into the shallow albeit pretty things I usually talk about, I figured I may as well write about the brilliance that my life is. Perhaps “brilliance” is out of place there.

Anyway, if you follow me on Twitter you’re probably bored of reading my tweets about my other half but I’m afraid to say that’s the biggest part of my life right now. He’s currently in hospital receiving treatment for an illness he was diagnosed with in December last year so I feel a little lost without him. He is doing really well though and will hopefully be released from hospital on Monday.

I’m not entirely sure if he’s comfortable with me splashing his illness (I’m not even sure illness is the right word for it) all over the internet so I’ll refrain from saying what it is. His diagnosis was completely unexpected though and we definitely did not think it would be as serious as it is.

He was only told 2 weeks ago that he would be going into hospital for treatment so no one has really had much time to process what’s happening. It actually hit me that he was going into hospital when we were buying pyjamas for his stay and it hit me quite hard. I wasn’t entirely clued up on the treatment and the unknown was rather terrifying.

A quick google search the night before he went into hospital (I was doing my best to not research the treatment on the internet in case I found something negative) helped ease my mind. That’s quite possibly the first time google has ever given me something positive when looking into a medical topic.

So that’s my other half covered now let’s move onto my dog – this transition makes sense as they’re both equally crazy and sleepy. My puppy is currently in boarding at the moment since my parents are on holiday (my mum is the main trainer for Teddy) so this is a little taste of when he moves onto his next lot of training.

I didn’t think I would get so attached to a dog but I really miss the little wiggly thing (seriously, he wiggles, what even is that?). I’m going to be absolutely distraught when he moves on into his quest to become a Guide Dog; a quest he doesn’t even know he’s on. Why have I just made my dog sound like Frodo?

I guess the last thing I wanted to talk about is a bit of a dodgy subject as I don’t know who reads this blog (ah the joys of the internet). Needless to say though, I’m incredibly unhappy and extremely bored with a certain part of my life and I’m in the process of trying to change it.

The issue is I don’t know what I want to change it to and it’s proving to be quite difficult. I am determined to get out of the boredom and unhappiness though, maybe Frodo will go on a quest to save me. Why the hell do I insist on blogging while hyped up on sugar? I just come out with really weird things. Where even is Frodo?

How awesome is my Eminem reference in the title? No? Well then.

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