Book Haul

Thursday 9 April 2015

Reading hasn’t been high on my list of priorities lately. I say lately but what I really mean is for the last 7 years. As a child I loved to read, my nose was always buried in a book to the point where I was rereading every book I owned (and I owned a lot, trust me) on a regular basis.

When I grew into a moronic teenager my love of reading went down the drain. I think this was due to the fact a large chunk of my days at high school were spent dissecting various pieces of text and it took all of the fun out of reading for me.

Now that I’m a twenty something year old and no longer have to write copious amounts of essays I’m ready to get back into reading. The only way I can begin reading for fun again is by buying books to read hence this haul post. Shopping for a purpose!

The first in the lengthy list of books I want to tackle is Last Exit to Brooklyn by Hubert Selby Jr. Last Exit to Brooklyn was written by the genius who penned Requiem for a Dream, my all-time favourite book. Last Exit to Brooklyn is on my list of books to read partly because of who the author is and because it was so controversial in the 60s a ban in the UK was almost placed upon it.

Hillary Clinton’s Hard Choices is also high up on my list of books to read. Hard Choices deals with the 4 years Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State and I’m rather excited to read it. I’ll admit American politics interests me much more than British politics and I’m intrigued to read things from Hillary Clinton’s point of view.

After watching the film Gone Girl I decided to purchase the book. I did enjoy the film but I found some of it to be lacking in certain places and hoped the book would offer up something extra. This is the only book I’ve started to read in this haul and so far I’m not feeling it. I am in the very early stages of the story so I’m hoping things will pick up.

The Girl on the Train was purchased as I’ve seen so many people discussing it I figured I couldn’t go wrong. I am completely oblivious to the storyline of this book but judging from a steady stream of tweets I see about it I shouldn’t be left disappointed once I’ve finished it. The Girl on the Train is possibly the first book I’ve ever bought based on other people’s opinions so I hope I haven’t been led astray here.

Hopefully I’ll be able to rattle my way through these books without any issues and will one day have another book haul to post about. I just need to keep the TV off, the headphones on and the chocolate flowing. Bring on the first book!

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