Lush The Comforter Review

Sunday 8 March 2015

As a person without a bath in her life I’m forever missing out on Lush’s bath related products. I’m always left green with envy whenever I read a post on Lush’s latest release as the majority of their seasonal products consist mostly of bath bombs and bubble bars.

The opportunity to chill in someone else’s bath rarely occurs (because why would it?) so when I was whisked away to a hotel for Valentine’s Day I figured there was no other time like then to finally use a Lush bath product.

It took a lot of umming and aahing over which bath product to get. Did I want a relaxing lavender infused bath bomb or did I want a bright yellow one that stained the bath? Eventually I settled on a rather delightfully coloured bubble bar called The Comforter. The pinky-purple colour of the bar is what drew me in but the blackcurrant scent is what made me purchase it.

The thought of The Comforter staining the bath crept into my mind as I dropped half of the bubble bar into the water (most people seem to use a quarter of this bar for each bath but I found a quarter wasn’t enough). As the water turned pink and the bubbles started to appear all worries left my mind and I was left with the overwhelming desire to hop into the pretty looking water.

Blackcurrant filled the bathroom air and it mixed perfectly with the scent of my Yankee Berrylicious candle. Fortunately the fragrance was subtle so I wasn’t left with a berry hangover. There were berry bubbles absolutely everywhere and, for the first time in my life, I wasn’t completely bored in the bath. Pink water and bubbles amuse me apparently.

When the water became too cold to enjoy I hopped out of the bath and it was time for the moment of truth; had The Comforter stained the bath pink? Fortunately the answer to that question is no so I didn’t have to spend the rest of my night cleaning with nothing but toilet paper and water.

Annoyingly I can’t comment on whether The Comforter had any effect on my skin. I had been in the spa for a few hours prior to the bath so I already had incredibly smooth and soft skin. The Comforter didn’t do any damage to my eczema prone skin so let’s just assume it only did good things to it.

Overall I am rather impressed by The Comforter and I’m rather pleased with myself for choosing it. I still have the other half of the bar left so I’m going to have to sneak into someone’s house and use their bath. Maybe I’ll just get a bath put into my back garden…

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