Valentine's Day

Sunday 15 February 2015

Valentine’s Day has never been a big deal for me. I think the last time I celebrated it was in primary school when we were all forced into making cards and awkwardly handing them to the people we sort of liked.

I haven’t bothered with it since becoming a grown up (ha) but for my birthday this year my other half booked us a hotel and spa break conveniently on Valentine’s Day so, for one night only, I followed the masses and decided to be all cute and loved up. Cue the sickening “aww”.

We started the day off by giving each other cards. Mine involved a reference to bums (I got it on Etsy) and his involved his own handiwork - I’m adamant he planned on one upping me the whole way through Valentine’s Day. He gave me a gorgeous handmade card with an adorable pun inside. And he says he’s not creative!

The next stage in our day was to drive through to Edinburgh where we would be staying for the night. The original plan was to let me drive but as I apparently have severe road rage it wasn’t allowed so off we went with my other half behind the wheel.

We ended up at Tony Macaroni for lunch where I conveniently forgot I was a vegetarian and had a cheeseburger. Whoops! The next part of our day was to go to the Scottish National Portrait Gallery but, just like last weekend, we timed it rather badly so we went straight to the hotel instead.

My other half had booked us a night at the Norton House Hotel with spa treatments. We were staying in the Edinburgh suite which came complete with a huge balcony, a TV in the bathroom and only one other room on the same floor. What more could you want?

Our spa treatments occurred shortly after we checked in. The first treatment was a Rasul treatment which involved being put in a steam/wet chamber and smearing clay all over ourselves. I wasn’t sure what to expect from this treatment but dear god it was fabulous. The heat did worry me at first mainly as I hadn’t had any water that day and am subject to dehydration on a regular basis; fortunately everything was all good in the hood on that front.

Our second treatment was a massage and it couldn’t have come at a better time. I’d been stressed and tense for a good few weeks so having someone massage me was utter bliss. Things did get rather painful towards my shoulders but they feel amazing now so I’m glad I didn’t ask the masseuse to stop. I think I might make massages a regular occurrence now.

The meal came a few hours after our spa treatments and if I’m perfectly honest I was dreading it. As previously stated I’m a vegetarian and we were eating in the fanciest of fancy restaurants whose Valentine’s Day sample menu consisted mostly of meat dishes. I think it’s safe to say I’m not the strictest of vegetarians so I decided to give each course a try. I somehow ended up eating rabbit, deer, steak (we asked to skip the monkfish and were kindly provided with steak in its place) and pork.

Admittedly everything was rather tasty but I’ve never been a huge meat eater hence the vegetarianism. Eating rabbit after having pet rabbits as a child seemed a little sinister too. I will say though that the desserts were to die for! I’m just gutted I didn’t have enough room for the entire chocolate one.

We decided to skip out on the coffee and carried our massive stomachs to our room. Our night ended with a slide about in the bath as we were absolute idiots and didn’t bother using the bath mat provided. Common sense tends to leave us after 11pm.

As breakfast was destined to be mobbed we ordered room service. My other half went all out with porridge like an old man and a fully cooked breakfast while I decided to treat myself to a selection of pastries. Breakfast in the most comfortable bed imaginable was the perfect way to end our weekend.

We were both rather gutted to be leaving the hotel but alas, our stay had to end sometime. It’s safe to say my significant other got me an incredible present and I would happily relive it all again. Annoyingly I now have to think of an amazing present for my male human’s 24th birthday. Maybe I’ll buy him a robot butler or something. Help!

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