Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle Pencils

Thursday 29 January 2015

If there’s one thing I’ve always wanted to be good at its art. I chose to study it at college but, although I was enthusiastic about school as a small child, I quickly grew out of education during my teenage years and college was a yearlong mistake. I dipped in and out of art every so often after that year but eventually swore off it in 2013. I just didn’t have the patience.

September 2014 rolled around and with it came my desire to doodle again. The timing couldn’t have been worse. The days were already growing shorter, my energy was being used up by work and I was completely overwhelmed by the amount of unused art supplies I had lying around. It wasn’t until I stumbled across a sale on rather expensive pencils that I decided to start with the basics and go from there.

Caran d’Ache Museum Aquarelle pencils are watercolour pencils; something I already have but never quite got around to using. They act as both watercolour pencils and “regular” pencils for your typical doodling fun. I opted into buying the set with 20 pencils as anything more when I’m barely drawing as it is just seemed ludicrous.

I’d love to say I’ve managed to use these already but life hasn’t allowed it. Okay, maybe it has on weekends but I’ve chosen to sleep the daylight away rather than being productive. I do keep thinking about them every so often so the desire to draw is still there but I just can’t seem to motivate myself to pick up a pencil and apply it to paper. I guess I’m afraid of the outcome.

My thinking behind this post is if I see the title of it every time I go onto my own blog the motivation to draw will hit me. I already have so many art supplies that have basically gone to waste (they were given to me by the college I attended so the money guilt aspect doesn’t exist) so I really don’t want to add another thing to the wasted list.

This has been a fairly random post so I’m going to end it here in order to eat a lot of Pringles without breaking my laptop in the process (why do the crumbs always get stuck underneath the keys?). I really should say I’m going to end this here in order to draw something shouldn’t I? Oh who am I kidding? Pass me the tube that everyone gets their hand stuck in with the delicious crisps inside!

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