My New Tattoo

Wednesday 24 September 2014

After waiting almost 3 years I decided to bite the bullet and book my next tattoo. There was really nothing stopping me from booking it; I knew what I wanted, I knew what body part I wanted it on and I had the money to pay for it. I guess my own laziness got the better of me for the last 3 years. That makes me sound appealing doesn’t it?

Shortly after my Grandad died I was given a ship in a bottle that he had made. I basically made the decision to get it tattooed on me the moment it was placed in my hands. My brother “borrowed” the idea of a ship in a bottle for our Grandad from me and actually beat me to getting it done. It’s actually kind of nice that he took the idea from me as now my new tattoo symbolises my Grandad but in a way, it also symbolises my brother.

I was tattooed this morning and I am beyond happy with the result. I went to the same tattoo artist that started my brother’s sleeve so I knew I was going to walk away with a great piece. My Grandad’s ship in a bottle was used for the reference so now I always have it with me. Damn I’m cheesy.

It probably goes without saying that the tattoo hurt. Up until today I had only ever been tattooed on the inside of my right wrist and the outside of my left arm. My wrist tattoo hurt a little but it was over in 15 minutes whereas my arm tattoo took an hour yet I never felt it until the final part on the bone. Today’s tattoo however, was sore. It was bearable but it was also a little difficult to ignore. I could feel my skin was getting quite irritated around 15 minutes into the tattoo. That irritation has since died down but I keep accidentally knocking my arm off of my side so a slight pain is still present. I’m just a glutton for punishment.

I have a few more tattoos planned (one of which I stole from my brother so I guess we’re even) but I’m not in any rush to get them. I’m still unsure about the placement of them and I don’t fancy booking a tattoo and making up my mind about location on the spot. Tattoos seem to be the one thing I don’t rush into. Hey maybe I do have a brain somewhere!

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