My Everyday Jewellery

Wednesday 3 September 2014

As August ended 3 days ago this should really be my August Favourites but I didn’t even realise August was over, hell, I didn’t even realise summer had really started. This whole working 9 – 5 malarkey is really screwing with me. I’m going to demand that whenever it gets over 15 degrees in Scotland we should all get a day off and actually get to experience summer. Ok, I’m officially rambling now, onto the actual post…

Up until the beginning of last year I was never really a big jewellery wearer; I’d usually have earrings in but you can forget about anything else. I don’t know what changed but I was one day hit with the desire to start wearing more bling (I am 50 Cent after all) and thus, this everyday jewellery post was (eventually) born. Exciting isn’t it?

First up is my 21st birthday present from the people who gave me life (take it up with them if you have any beef with me, it’s their lack of protection that made me after all). In boring old blogger style I longed for a Michael Kors watch and was able to choose what I consider to be the most beautiful and jazzy rose gold watch ever made. I didn’t want a delicate watch so opted into something that was clunky yet still feminine. It really is just a fashion piece for me as I have never used it to tell the time once - it's not even on the right date for goodness sake. Who needs watches for their actual function when you can just look at your phone?

This bracelet was a present from my other half. He left me for Italy for 2 weeks but returned with this beauty. We’d been together for just over 2 months at that point but he proved he already knew me rather well by gifting me with something black and sparkly. It’s an easy to wear bracelet that I love to wear both by itself and with a multitude of other wrist pieces. I’m going to be cheesy here and say whenever I see it lying on my bedside table I smile like a loser. The man who gave me this bracelet makes me happy, what’s a girl to do?!

These earrings are literally the only ones I wear now (aside from the studs in my second lobe piercings). My parents very kindly gave me them for Christmas a few years ago and I still guard them with my life. I’d wanted something from Tiffany’s for as long as I can remember and as soon as I spotted the gorgeous blue of the box after ripping off the wrapping paper I practically started drooling. They go with absolutely everything and they’re subtle enough to not make a bold statement. I’d love another pair of earrings from Tiffany’s but these are more than enough for now.

The Michael Kors bracelet was another present for my 21st birthday. It’s a simple and timeless piece that looks great on its own but my preferred way of wearing this is with my watch and black, sparkly bracelet. The little studs on it really jazz it up but those studs are deadly, every time I put my hand to my face for whatever reason you can guarantee hairs will be ripped out of my head by them. I think the bracelet is trying to shave my head in a rather painful and time consuming way.

I can’t for the life of me remember where I got this necklace from or who it’s even by but I’ve had it for around 4 years so I’ll let my sieve like memory get away with this one. I remember falling in love with it instantly and buying it without even thinking. I’m not even sure I actually had enough money in my bank account at the time to warrant buying it but sometimes you just have to buy pretty things. It was the little purple ball that really sold this necklace to me. Although I would love it just as much if it was only the silver chain with the heart I think the purple ball adds a nice little twist to it and keeps it from being too plain. The necklace rarely leaves my incredibly pale skin these days.

Ah yes, the panda necklace. I bought this on eBay when I was about 15; I’m sure it cost me an entire week of my paper round wages. It was actually purchased during my “scene” days (embarrassing I know) but I still really like it. Admittedly it sat on my jewellery holder for a good few years before it felt the love again but now I throw it on over a plain top and voila, instant sparkliness. The panda does like to hit me in the nose from time to time though so I guess I’m being punished for abandoning it for so long. Sorry sparkly panda.

So there you have my everyday jewellery. I should probably clarify that I do not wear all of this at the same time as let’s face it, that would just be ridiculous. I do have another few pieces that I wear on a regular basis but I was afraid I was going to drone on and on so I had to cut some pieces out. Perhaps I’ll do a “Not So Everyday Jewellery” post in the future. The title isn’t really all that catchy is it? I’ll work on the title, I promise.

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