MAC Chatterbox

Tuesday 16 September 2014

Lipsticks and I haven’t been getting along recently. The last one I purchased -which coincidentally is the one I’m about to talk about - was back in July and I was only able to start wearing it a little over a week ago. It was my fault really. Somehow I developed an obsession with fizzy juice so, not only have I destroyed my kidneys yet again, I ruined my lips for a good 6 week period. Even after the kidney pain, the dry lips and my future rotten teeth I’d still happily choose a can of Irn Bru over water. What can I say? I’m Scottish and a bit of an idiot.

Anyway I digress; the purpose of this post was to tell you about a lipstick, not the beauty of Irn Bru.

MAC has been my go to brand for lipsticks for a while so when I found myself standing in Harvey Nichols I instantly made my way over to the MAC counter. I’m always overwhelmed by the amount of lipsticks MAC offer but this time I knew I wanted a very wearable lipstick. Every day wear is not really something I go to MAC for in regards to lipsticks but sometimes you just have to mix it up. It didn’t take me long to find the perfect lipstick to fulfil such a purpose.

Chatterbox is a shade I’ve had my eye on for a while but always got distracted by something brighter. It’s an Amplified lipstick which is my preferred MAC formula and it’s quite possibly the best pink I own. Despite being a very creamy lipstick it doesn’t slip and slide all over your face nor does it transfer drastically. I’m used to seeing my lipstick all over the thing I’m drinking out of but I was pleasantly surprised to find the majority of Chatterbox was sitting pretty on my lips.

It’s very well pigmented although it’s perhaps not entirely suitable for my incredibly pale skin (although I’m beginning to believe no lipstick is). It looks just as beautiful as a muted shade (lip brushes for the win) as it does applied straight from the bullet. As it’s a fairly lighter shade in comparison to the rest of my MAC collection I have no issue applying it straight from the bullet. Any mistakes made are very easy to remove or cover up with concealer; it definitely doesn’t stain the hell out of everything it touches like Candy Yum Yum.

From left to right/bottom to top: 1 coat, 2 coats, 3 coats.

So there you have my first somewhat wearable every day colour by MAC. I kind of regret taking so long to finally buy Chatterbox as it seems to fit rather well into my collection but hey ho, I have it now and it was definitely worth the wait.

If you’re looking for a creamy, pink shade that’s suitable for both the office and a night out then get your hands on Chatterbox. It’s one of those shades that every make up loving human needs. Damn that ending was cheesy.

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