Lush Haul

Sunday 27 July 2014

After completing my theory test over 2 weeks ago I decided to do a spot of shopping. I originally planned on doing a whole haul post on the matter but the shopping trip was pretty much one giant fail. I struggled to find things I liked and when I did find things they weren’t available in my size; the shopping gods were not on my side. As that is the case I’ve decided to do 3 (potentially 4) posts all on things that were purchased during that trip, the first of which being this Lush haul. Weyhey.

I had conveniently just run out of Dream Cream a few days prior to entering the Lush store so the first thing I picked up was a new moisturiser. I went for African Paradise which is a lot like Ro’s Argan Body Conditioner and I believe this is a new product. A review on this will be coming soon!

Another thing I picked up (it was right next to African Paradise so the Lush in Edinburgh clearly saw me coming) is H’suan Wen Hna. I have absolutely no idea how to pronounce it but it sounds funky. This is a hair treatment that smells absolutely awful. It states that in order to repair really damaged hair it should be used once a week for 6 weeks so the review is coming somewhat soon.

2 soaps were picked up but one of them was in Keswick when I did the photos for this post so annoyingly it’s not present in these pictures. The soaps were actually for my dad as he’s obsessed with smelling fresh as a daisy. I bought Mangnificent (spelling mistake intentional) which has a lovely citrus scent and Sandstone. I’m fairly certain he’s had Sandstone before and claimed it was trying to turn our shower into a beach. It’s things like that that proves my dad should not review products.

Last but not least were 2 impulse purchases - in other words they were right next to the checkout and I’m weak. The Bubblegum Lip Scrub is something I’ve seen multiple times in Lush but never had the desire to purchase it. I don’t know what came over me when I went to pay for the rest of my things but I just felt the need to buy it. I’m rather glad I did though as my lips have been flaky free and taste all bubblegum like since I bought it. I also purchased a mini Charity Pot that I haven't been able to open. I’ve given up on ever prising the lid off of this little guy, it’s just too hard.

So there you have a little Lush haul. I did mean to buy some other things but completely forgot about them when I was in the actual store. I think some online shopping is in order…

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