Fashion Pet Peeves

Tuesday 22 July 2014

The sun is shining, I’m burning my skin and I have a delightful bottle of Irn Bru but my neighbour’s kids have annoyed me so you’re getting a “rant” post. It is keeping with the theme (does my blog even have a theme?) of my blog so it’s allowed right? Anyhoo…here comes my fashion pet peeves!

1. Jelly Shoes:

Why did these come back into style? Seriously who allowed this to happen? I rocked a pair of clear jelly shoes when I was 6 years old and I have no desire to put them on my feet ever again. I’m sorry but they look absolutely ridiculous on anyone over the age of 10. Put the jelly shoes back where they belong and wear some grown up shoes.

2. Leggings as Trousers:

When I’m walking down the street the last thing I want to see is a girl’s butt through her leggings. To me leggings should be used like thick tights and your butt and front region should always be covered whenever you wear them. They just look completely wrong when worn as trousers and don’t get me started on those cheap and nasty leggings. If you absolutely have to wear leggings as trousers don’t buy the cheapest pair you can find; the world does not need to see your underwear through them.

3. Uggs with Shorts:

Are your feet cold and your legs too hot or do you just not own a mirror to see how ridiculous you look? I honestly just don’t get it.

4. Animal Print Everywhere:

The Real Housewives of New Jersey called, they want their clothes back.

5. A Suit with Jeans:

This is one for the guys! When you’re going somewhere that requires a suit (or you’re nipping to the shop and fancy dressing up for the occasion) don’t half ass it and shove jeans on. It doesn’t say you’re cool or laid back, it just says you’re lazy and a bit of a plonker.

6. Leather on Leather:

I accidentally wore leather on leather once and I felt like an idiot as soon as I noticed. If you like cows that much just roam around a field and eat grass all day.

I have many more but my “y” key requires some serious hitting to get it to work so I think here is a good place to stop. I do apologise if you’ve taken offence to any of my pet peeves, I promise they’re all in good humour. Now if you don’t mind I’m going to have a serious conversation with my “y” key.

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