A Goodbye (But Not Forever)

Monday 14 July 2014

Hey, long time no talk! I was right when I said I was returning from my blogging break prematurely. It’s been about 2 weeks of silence from me but it was all for a good and practical reason.

The day after I posted my June Favourites I ended up booking my theory test so revision came before blogging. I was officially bricking it on Friday morning (why I booked it for 8am I’ll never know) after convincing myself I hadn’t done enough revision but I’m happy to say I passed and did a lot better than expected.

Now that my theory test is all over I now have some time for blogging but even then I’m not promising many posts. I had previously reached the stage where I was putting pressure on myself to post and, as any blogger knows, that’s the time to take a step back.

Having a full time job tends to drag my focus and energy away from blogging but hey, life happens and there’s no point in complaining about. As far as I’m concerned I’m writing this post and enjoying myself while doing it so I’m rolling with the punches for now.

Today’s post is going to feature something that has been a part of my life since 2004. That thing is T in the Park and this weekend marked my 11th and potentially my final year of it. I’ve actually been saying for the last few years that I’m not going to return to T in the Park but, as it’s now moving away from my hometown, I don’t really feel the need to go back. I think I’ve had my fill.

I didn't take many pictures of the acts as I hate to live through a camera - not sure that's allowed as a blogger - so you're getting random pictures instead.

Admittedly this year’s line-up did not impress me on paper one bit. 2 out of 3 of the headliners are my idea of hell and the majority of the smaller acts weren’t doing it for me. It wasn’t until the weekend grew closer did I realise that although the line-up was fairly poor I still had enough acts to fill my days. I don’t go to festivals for anything but the music so each day was planned no to a T (no pun intended). There was a minor hiccup that involved a strip searching of a male friend (don’t do drugs kids) but everything else went perfectly.

I won’t bore you with who I saw and how many times I came close to falling over due to alcohol consumption, all you need to know is I had a jolly good time. Granted there were a few disappointments when it came to some of the bigger acts and the one headliner I was looking forward to but you can’t have everything. I’m glad this is how I (may have) ended my 11 years of T in the Park but never say never, if they manage to get someone I really love *cough* Eminem *cough* I will make the short journey to Strathallan and drink to forget I’m camping.

So there you have it. I’m somewhat saying goodbye to a bit of my childhood and I think my bank account may thank me for it. The fact I’ve seen The Who, Blur and The Stone Roses as well as being there for The Killers first ever T performance and Paolo Nutini’s blows my mind. I’ve discovered so many bands there and indulged in some guilty pleasures in the form of McFly and Avril Lavigne that my iPod quivers in fear when I return from the festival. I’ve met some great people, I’ve engaged in one too many fights and have had some rather dodgy food and I’m forever thankful for it all. I hope T in the Park is a major success at Strathallan and maybe one day I’ll return. Cheers T in the Park for all of the memories. We’ll see each other again. xx

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