Ending Breaks With Bikes

Sunday 29 June 2014

Here comes a broken record blogger cliché!

I’ve done what seems to be a regular thing in the blogging world and have taken a break for a week. You probably didn’t notice, hell, I didn’t even realise it had been a week but I thought I’d tell you anyway. The break was needed due to writers block, a lack of energy and an inability to focus. I’m not even sure if what I’m writing right now is making any sense so I may be returning from this blogging break prematurely.

Anyway, I’ve decided to ease myself back into blogging (I’m acting like I’ve been away for years) by boring you with how I spent today. Hold onto your hats!

As I grew up around motorbikes and am fortunate enough to live near a racing circuit today was spent at the British Superbikes. As a kid I was constantly taken to various races at Knockhill (aka my local racing circuit) but the British Superbikes was always my favourite. Typically we would attend the BSB with my Aunt, Uncle and cousins which added to the excitement as a kid but now, the excitement comes straight from the motorbikes (and the alcohol I insist on consuming at 11.30am while there).

After 3 hours sleep I was in dire need of a vodka and Red Bull

Thanks to accidentally sleeping in we missed the morning’s festivities but we were there in time for the main races. We took up our usual stance at Scotsman corner and waited patiently for the races to start. I passed the waiting time by judging people who were overdressed (why would you wear wedges to a rocky, hilly racing circuit?), consuming cider that I don’t even like and trying to determine whether I thought a tiger printed motorbike was cool or tacky. Don’t say I’m not an exciting person!

I won’t bore you with the details of the races as I’m fully aware of the fact a good chunk of people find motorbikes going in circles tremendously boring. Admittedly though, this year’s races weren’t as competitive as last years but I still got my motorbike high. The only issue I have with the BSB is it always leaves me with the desire to get on a motorbike. Something tells me that the mere thought of me confusingly riding a motorbike is enough to give my parents a heart attack so I’m going to have to fight this urge.

So there you have it, a brief (as brief as I can do) post on the British Superbikes. I could honestly write an entire essay about motorbikes but something tells me that’ll go down like a lead balloon in the beauty and fashion blogging world. I should probably stop writing anyway as I think the alcohol has found me. If you hear random screaming about the NFL or pigeons in Scotland tonight you know who it is!

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