Spring Tag

Monday 14 April 2014

Just as I was thinking about doing a Spring Tag the lovely Maja tagged me to do one. Admittedly I got rather excited about it, answered half of the questions and then got distracted by nachos and forgot all about it. I finally remembered and it is still spring so all is not lost. If nachos weren't so damn tasty I would've put this up last month. I actually have nachos in the oven as I write this so let's hope I remember to hit publish this time. Er where was I again?

1. Favourite spring nail polish?

I’m assuming a spring nail polish is a pastel shade but I hate pastel so I’m going for Topshop Pool Party.

2. What is your must-have lip colour this spring?

Urban Decay Super Saturated Lip Color in Punch Drunk. I used to detest orange on my lips but this is so obnoxiously bright I just can’t get enough of it.

3. Show us your favourite spring dress!

Spring dress? What are you talking about? I live in Scotland, you can’t wear a dress in spring.

4. What’s your favourite flower?

Lilies and roses. I can’t choose between the two! Is it weird that these are typically used for funerals?

I didn't have a picture of a rose so here's a doodle I did of one.

5. Favourite spring scarf/accessory?

This may be because I’m now driving and am forever being blinded by the sun but sunglasses are becoming my favourite accessory for spring. Weirdly I don’t even have a pair of sunglasses. My answer makes sense…

6. What spring trend(s) are you most excited about this year?

Well this is awkward as I’m not the biggest fan of this year’s spring trends or any year for that matter. They’re always far too similar and girly for my liking. If black and spikes were spring trends I’d be a happy little human.

7. Favourite spring candle?

Again this is awkward as I don’t use candles yet. I did do a post on 2 Shearer candles I purchased but those are for when I move into my new room as there’ll be less of a chance of me setting the place on fire in there.

8. Favourite body spray/perfume for spring?

I don’t really keep scents for certain seasons but I’ll go for Marc Jacobs Daisy for this one. How obvious an answer is that?


9. What is spring like where you live?

I live in the hills of Scotland so spring is one never ending downpour. Occasionally the sun does fight against the rain and makes an appearance but we still have to wander about with our umbrellas just in case.

10. What’s your favourite thing about spring?

Little lambs running through the fields. They are so adorable; I just can’t get enough of them.

11. Are you a spring cleaner?

I try to be but I can't keep anything clean no matter how much I try. Mess is attracted to me.

Well that's all folks. I tag every single human who reads this post and invite you to share my nachos with me. I say share, you can sit quietly while I eat them all.

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