Personal Update

Thursday 10 April 2014

Admittedly I’m not the most open of people so writing a personal post is a little daunting to me but hey, everyone has to step out of their comfort zone once in a while right?

I have been through a few life changes recently so I guess there’s no better time to update you with it all than now.

The first and what I would consider to be the biggest change is my brother and I no longer live on the same continent as each other. He moved to Australia 2 weeks ago now and I’m happy to say he’s having a grand old time.


I didn’t think the move would hit me as hard as it did. My brother moved out of the family home in October last year so I thought him being in Australia wouldn’t be a big adjustment but I was wrong.

If you don’t know me in real life then you won’t know that I’m typically an emotionless robot. I rarely cry so when the tears started rolling after my brother text me goodbye I was rather surprised at myself especially since I did it in front of people I’ve known for 6 weeks. To put my no crying thing into perspective there are people who have been in my life for 17 years who have never seen me cry. I told you I am an emotionless robot.

The second change was losing my old job and having to find a new one. Legally I cannot divulge any information on my previous employment other than it was a family owned franchise that went horribly wrong. Annoyingly we’re bound to a legal contract that states we cannot talk about the company which is a shame as I have a lot of negative things to say about it.

It was just one major suck fest and it taught me that I really do have the ability to hate people. I know hate is a strong word but it’s an easy thing to do when the people you hate practically flushed your livelihood down the toilet without a second thought.


I was fortunate enough to land a job after 3 weeks of sitting on the unemployed bench. I was worried about finding a job in the sector I work in as the majority of vacancies advertised were for someone with 2 years+ experience whereas I had 18 months experience at that point. I got really lucky in landing my current job and I’m forever grateful that luck was on my side for a change.

The next change was the inevitable demise of my 2 year relationship. You may or may not know that I was in a long distance relationship and managed it quite well for a long period of time but alas life got in the way. He’s currently in his last year of university and I am tied to the holiday request system like every other normal working person out there so our time is limited. We both decided to call it quits and still remain friends. I am adamant that long distance relationships can work but ours wasn’t meant to be.

There is one more change in my life but I don’t want to discuss it just yet. I can’t stop smiling whenever I think about it so at least you know it’s not a bad thing. Maybe one day I’ll share it with you but for now I’m keeping this thing to my selfish self. Ooh mysterious!

That's all the major things. I could update you on my latest crisp addiction or how many times I burn my tongue on beans but I'm not entirely sure they're on the same scale as the things I just discussed. I think we'll leave it here for today.

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