Four Of A Kind

Monday 21 April 2014

While having a wee read of Zoe’s blog I stumbled across her “Four of a Kind” post and instantly loved the idea. Basically this post is going to involve things I have 4 or more of. I have no idea as to whether it’s restricted to just make up or not so I may be breaking the rules by including perfume. I’m such a rebel.

MAC Lipsticks:

I swear MAC lipsticks are like tattoos, once you have one you just want more. MAC has been my go to brand recently and I constantly find myself drooling over the lipsticks. My collection is fairly modest at the moment but there are only so many times I can stop myself from buying more. I don’t really need to tell you how good MAC is for lipsticks so I shall move on before I start drooling.

Barry M Nail Polishes:

Painting my nails on a regular basis is something I both love and loathe so I have a fair few Barry M nail polishes in my collection. I was completely blown away by the quality of Barry M nail polishes when I first started using them as I didn’t expect much for £2.99. The amount of shades and finishes they offer now does lure me in far too often but I’ve been a good girl and have stopped myself from buying every single polish. I’ve probably jinxed this.

Marc Jacobs Perfumes:

I couldn’t even consider doing this post without including my beloved Marc Jacobs perfume. My parents started me off on this obsession by giving me Daisy for Christmas in the year it was first released. Every new release has me a little giddy and I practically lost my mind in Sephora when Oh Lola hit the shelves. Seriously, it wasn’t pretty.

Daisy, Lola and Oh Lola are all floral based perfumes (just in case you couldn’t tell from the bottles) whereas Dot and Honey are more on the fruity side. The only issue I have with Marc Jacobs perfume is the bottle; Dot, Honey and Oh Lola are all a little too tacky bottle wise for my liking. Aside from the packaging I honestly think Mac Jacobs perfumes are perfect.

The original Naked palette and the Purple Velvet palette have seen better days.

Urban Decay Palettes:

The Naked palette was my first introduction to Urban Decay and we’ve been firm friends ever since. Going from the above palettes I obviously favour their more neutral shades but the pigmentation of their brighter shades is just ridiculous. There is a beautiful blue that lies within the Purple Velvet palette and, although it looks completely wrong on me, it’s so bright and bold that I can’t help but smear it all over my face. I may have been a little intoxicated when I was given the Purple Velvet palette…

I decided to be ever so witty and just include 4 of my 4 things. I don’t know how you read my blog without thinking I’m some form of genius!

This is technically a tag but rather than tag anyone I’m just going to demand you do this. Please leave the link to your Four of a Kind post in the comments so I can check it out. Later xx

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