February 2014 Favourites

Sunday 2 March 2014

It's time for my February Favourites! I feel like I should've included scarves and gloves in this as February froze my butt off.

1. Lush Sympathy For The Skin:

Admittedly I never used to understand the hype around Lush. I used to detest being able to smell the store 3 streets away and was never impressed with their products. That all changed after I received a Lush gift set from my brother for Christmas. I’ve loved their products since December 25th and didn’t even hesitate to try Sympathy for the Skin.

It’s a light, non-greasy moisturiser that leaves behind a faint vanilla with a hint of sandalwood scent. My skin soaks it up quickly and it’s helped dramatically with eczema flare ups. It leaves my skin feeling soft and a little definitely goes a long way. Woo for Lush!

2. Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette:

I love this little thing! Urban Decay is my favourite brand for eyeshadows so when this palette was released I was a happy little bunny and my happiness increased when an adorable human in my life bought it for me. I’ve used it practically every day for the last 3 weeks and I’m still going strong. It’s great for carrying around and although there are only 6 eyeshadows the looks you can create are endless. Do you think it would say yes if I asked it to marry me?

3. Avon Pink Crush:

I can’t remember if this is part of an Avon collection so Pink Crush (which is its actual name) will have to do. This is one of those “my lips but better” lipsticks and like the Urban Decay Naked Basics Palette I’ve been using it practically every day for the last 3 weeks (with one or two days of MAC Impassioned thrown in for good measure). I can go around 8 hours without having to reapply it and it doesn’t dry out my dry as a desert lips. It’s an all-round wind.

4. Rimmel London Wake Me Up Foundation:

This foundation may make the wearer look like a giant glitter ball when standing in direct sunlight but I love it regardless. I stopped wearing this foundation just because of the glitter ball effect but as the sun hasn’t been out for a while I decided to slap it on my face.

I had forgotten how great a foundation this is. I wouldn’t say it makes me look more awake (nothing makes me look more awake) but it provides my preferred coverage and it looks good for most of the day. I’ll probably retire it again once the sun decides to hit Scotland but it does the job for now.

5. Ellis Tuesday

This blog and Ellis, the lovely girl behind it, are responsible for my ever growing Soap & Glory wishlist. I swear every single thing that Ellis posts about ends up on one of my many wishlists and have to stop myself from buying everything she recommends. Ellis’ taste in films is also rather fabulous not mention she’s a raging Forever 21 fiend. If you don’t check out her blog I’ll throw pineapple chunks at you. Seriously, I have them ready to go and I’m too full to eat them.

Well that’s February’s favourites done and dusted, who wants to watch Space Jam in celebration with me? Don’t all rush at once.

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